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"Then Ump 'ill have to stand over him," replied Jud. "Damn it," cried the hunchback, striking his clenched right hand into the palm of his left, "ain't I stood over every one of the shirkin' pot-wallopers from the mountains to the Gauley an' showed him how to shoe a horse, an' told him over an' over just what to do an' how to do it, an' put my finger on the place? An' by God!

I can see that, accordin' to his plan, I may stay here all my life and be no better off than I am to-day, 'cause why the harder I and others like me works the better it is for a lot of lazy shirkin' swabs, who've made up their minds that they'll never do a hand's turn if they can help it. And I don't see no fun in workin' for skowbanks like that.

"I feel able enough to go about, and my mates'll think I'm shirkin' dooty." "There's not a man a-board as'll think that o' Dick Darvall," growled the boatswain, who had just entered and heard the last remark. "Right, bo's'n," said Brooke, "you have well expressed the thought that came into my own head." "Have ye seen Samson yet, sir?" asked the boatswain, with an unusually grave look.

Then they filled the grave. "Mac, wouldn't it be dacent to mark where Larry King's buried? A stone or wooden cross with his name?" McDermott wrinkled his red brow and scratched his sandy beard. Then he pointed. "Casey, wot's the use? See, the blowin' sand's kivered all the graves." "Mac, yez wor always hell at shirkin' worrk. Come on, now, Drill, ye terrier, drill!"

I've hearn of such things as son's wives shirkin' the whole on to their old mothers, and the minit 'Tilda shows any signs of that, I shall back out, I tell you." John, who overheard this remark, bit his lip with vexation, and then burst into a laugh as he fancied the elegant Mrs. Livingstone's dismay at hearing herself called 'Tilda.

Uncle Isham Dyer had a smile of triumph on his face, because the day was a particularly hot and drowsy one. It was on this account, the old man thought, that the Rev. Elisha asked him to say a few words at the opening of the meeting. "Shirkin' again," said the old man to himself, "I reckon he wants to go to sleep again, but ef he don't sleep dis day to his own confusion, I ain't hyeah."

When Cap that's th' man that whips comes 'long, boy sez feller's bin shirkin'. Then feller's tied t' tree 'nd Cap beats him till feller begs t' be killed. I don't want t' hurt anybody 'cept one feller, but I ain't goin' back t' no chain gang. If the sheriff holds me up, 'nd sez 'Come back or I'll shoot, I'll say 'Shoot!"

'Ay! said he. 'But there's folk as one 'ud like to keep fra' shirkin' their misery. Think yo' now as Philip is livin'? Sylvia shivered all over, and hesitated before she replied. 'I dunnot know. I said such things; he deserved 'em all 'Well, well, lass! said Kester, sorry that he had asked the question which was producing so much emotion of one kind or another.

And if one of the kittens stopped, run out of wind or got a sore throat or anything, the old cat would bite it to set it goin' again. She wan't goin' to have any shirkin' in HER orchestra. I ate to music, as you might say, same as I've read they do up to Boston restaurants. And about everything I did eat was stuffed with cats' hairs.

I mean, no shirkin' duty and bein' marched to the guard house, or sentinel work, for bad behavior. Put on your thinkin' caps and keep 'em on a minute. Down to West Point, where some of us is hankerin' to be, they don't allow no lyin'. A broken promise is the worst kind of a lie. So before you pledge your word, gals and boys alike, you think. Think hard, think deep. I'll time ye.