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Steward sailed down the passage with a dignity and majesty of demeanor which impressed Miss Sherrard's neat handmaid considerably. The next instant she was ushered into the school-mistress' presence. Miss Sherrard looked troubled; she came forward to meet Mrs. Steward very gravely, and, motioning with her hand to a chair, asked her to seat herself. Mrs.

"Hush, Kitty, you must not talk in that way Hark! I think I hear Miss Sherrard's step." As Mrs. Denvers spoke the door was slowly opened and Miss Sherrard, accompanied by Miss Worrick, came in. Miss Sherrard was just about to speak; but before she could utter a word Kitty rushed to her.

Then if father also heard that we had gone against Miss Sherrard's authority, we Oh, I cannot say it exactly as I ought; but Gwin, I would rather not sign that paper." "All right," answered Gwin in some vexation. "Then my scheme falls through. Four against and four for.

Again I may pass lightly over an interval of three days spent hardily in the saddle, coming at once to that rain-drenched thirty-first of January, cold, raw and dismal, when we drew rein at Sherrard's Ford and found Dan Morgan and his men safe across the Catawba with his prisoners, and my Lord Cornwallis quite as safely flood-checked on the western bank of the stream.

"Lunch is ready, and you must be hungry. Would you like to go into my room it is just next to this and wash your hands and brush out your hair?" Kitty looked at Miss Sherrard's small and beautifully-kept hands. She was fastidious to a remarkable degree about her personal appearance. "I dare say my hair is somewhat untidy," she said. "I might as well take a squint at myself in the glass.

She walked up the avenue as she spoke. Jessie ran after her. "What side are you going to take Alice?" she asked. "Miss Sherrard's," replied Alice shortly. Meanwhile Elma had slipped her hand gently through Matilda's arm, and looking up into the face of the taller girl, said in her most insinuating voice: "I do think, painful as it is, that we ought to take Miss Sherrard's side.

"I'll try," was Sherrard's half-hearted response, whereat Newte entered to announce that the car was ready. Then he bade mother and daughter adieu, and went out. Dorise could see that her mother was considerably annoyed at her plans being so abruptly frustrated. "We must ask somebody else," she said, as they lingered over the dessert. "Whom shall we ask?"

She rushed from Miss Sherrard's retaining arm and flew up the platform, and a moment later the owner of the pink dress and leghorn hat was being clasped tightly, tightly to the breast of the magnificent-looking old gentleman, almost a king in his way, who had suddenly stepped on to the platform. "Father, you'll protect me they have come, they have followed me.

Denvers, as her daughter entered the room, "what does this letter mean?" Alice read Miss Sherrard's letter hastily. "It is exactly as I feared, mother," she said. "Exactly as you feared, Alice! What do you mean?" "I always told you that Kitty would be certain to get into trouble sooner or later. Well, she got into trouble last night." "But what occurred?"

How miserable I shall feel without it; but anything, anything is better than the dreadful fact getting to Miss Sherrard's ears that I broke one of the strictest rules of the school, and borrowed eight pounds from Kitty. The Tug-of-war Society would never again have anything to do with me. I should have the poorest chance of remaining in the school. It would get to Aunt Charlotte's ears.