United States or Guadeloupe ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

"I'll try," was Sherrard's half-hearted response, whereat Newte entered to announce that the car was ready. Then he bade mother and daughter adieu, and went out. Dorise could see that her mother was considerably annoyed at her plans being so abruptly frustrated. "We must ask somebody else," she said, as they lingered over the dessert. "Whom shall we ask?"

The old-fashioned butler, John Newte, a white-haired, rosy-faced man, who had seen forty years' service with the ducal owner of Blairglas, served the dinner in his own stately style. Sir Richard had been a good master, but things had never been the same since the castle had passed into its new owner's hands.

There's nothing like telling the truth, after all: and I'll take care it doesn't get about the town till the poll's closed." On the stroke of eight, when Roger Newte, as Mayor and Returning Officer, declared the poll open, down the street came the blue-and-gold band, with Dr. Macann and Mr. Saule behind it bowing and smiling in a two-horse shay, and a fine pillaloo of supporters.

"I'll vote, if you please, for Mrs. Lebow," said more than one of them, "if you'll tell me which side she's for." And I suppose that gave Newte his chance. At any rate, he returned Lord William and Major Dyngwall as polling 85 and 127 against Dr. Macann 42 and Mr. Saule 36. And so Miss Lally became a Member of Parliament's wife and rode in her coach.

The Tory candidates climbed the hustings, and there the Doctor fired off six speeches and Mr. Saule a couple, while the votes came rolling in like pennies at the door of a menagerie. And still no sign of the Whigs, nor sound of any band from the direction of Tregoose. By half-past eight Roger Newte was looking nervous, and began to send off small boys to hurry his friends up.

"Take Grandison, here, along with you, and we'll all have a holiday together." "At the worst," chipped in Newte, "they'll fine you fifty pounds for misbehaviour." "Fifty pounds! Fine me fifty pounds?" the Parson quavered, his pipe-stem waggling. "Bless your heart, sir, we can work it in somehow with the Election expenses. But it may not come to that.

"Daisy Newte! Good God the blindness of the bachelor male!" swore Jonas. And from that day forward he was at her respectful, but unsleeping.

In fact she talked most sensible about being jilted and confessed that it might be all for the best in the long run. "Nought happens save by the will of Heaven," she said, "and I can look at it with a good conscience which be a tower of strength, and I can even go so far as to tell myself that Daisy Newte may make a better wife for Bill than me; for that's where his eyes are turning."

King's Bench will send down a mandamus, and the game's up. I don't want to go to prison at my time of life." "I know something of the law," said Mr. Newte and indeed he'd studied it at Lincoln's Inn, and kept more knowledge under his wig than any man in the borough. "I know something of law, and there's no question of going to prison.

Newte keeping the peace between John a Hall, with his ill-regulated tongue, and the old Parson, who, to say truth, was half the cause of their unpopularity, the church services having sunk to a public scandal; and yet they durstn't cast him over, by reason that he owned eight ramshackle houses, and his curate a couple besides, and by mock-sale could turn these into as many brand-new voters.