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Then be sure all you that take care not to die of the pip, be sure, I say, you take my advice, and stock yourselves with good store of such books as soon as you meet with them at the booksellers; and do not only shell those beans, but e'en swallow them down like an opiate cordial, and let them be in you; I say, let them be within you; then you shall find, my beloved, what good they do to all clever shellers of beans.

"Shellers?" Elizabeth backed out of the closet she was cleaning, and came around to the door. "Shellers? Are we going to have shellers?" "To-morrow," he said in surprise. In spite of her exclamation of astonishment Elizabeth noted a familiar look on Hugh Noland's face which had something in it that always caught her attention.

She couldn't do all he required of her without it. She had butter to make, and shellers to cook for, and then the damned fool 'd shove that heavy baby on her and he actually talked to me about her being cross!" Hugh Noland was beginning to feel that living in a man's house did not constitute a knowledge of him, and yet there were the things he himself had seen and heard.

She was no more the weary, harassed woman who had churned, baked, and cooked for shellers, and had so nearly found an early grave. The satisfaction of working unrestrained, of resting when nature and woman's constitution demanded, and the whole matter of living without fear, had given her a sound and healthy body and a mind broader and less liable to emotional bias.

The work of cooking for those shellers had been his work as much as John's, but it had all fallen on her, fallen, according to Doctor Morgan, at a time when a man shielded even the mare in his harness from overwork. As he watched the colour come back to the girl's face day by day he recognized that the miracle was brought about by rest.

The shredder and husker removes the ears, husks them, and shreds shucks, stalks, and fodder. Power shellers separate grain and cobs more than a hundred times as rapidly as a pair of human hands could do.

The new departure did not prove successful; no great harm was done, for the shells lighting on the soft veld were kinder than the shellers, and generally failed to burst. As for the citizen soldiers, they received these attentions with a nonchalance that would reflect credit on older campaigners.

I turned half those cows out to grass," John said, bringing forward the chair for the invalid. "I was afraid the morning I left that she had too much to do with all those shellers on such short notice." Hugh stooped to pick up the baby. "How are you, partner?" he cried, swinging the delighted child up to the ceiling. Jack was wild with joy.

"We have got a new corn sheller," I said, rather timidly. "I don't care about your corn shellers," he answered with a look of scorn. He took a little yellow paper-covered book from his pocket and began to read to himself. I felt thoroughly ashamed of the place and sat near him and, for a time, said nothing as he read. "What's that?" I ventured to ask by and by. "A story," he answered.

On the last day of the cleaning, Hugh Noland came to the door of her room and speaking from the outside said: "I came in to see if I couldn't help you a little in getting ready for those shellers, Mrs. Hunter." Hugh had noticed her weary look of late, and, as all the men about the house did, tried to help whenever there was time to be spared from the fields or when extra work was required of her.