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"Sh! You must not call me Daddy now, dear." "I shall! You'll always be my daddy." "And how about " he pointed to Mr. Force. "Oh," she said easily, "I call him father." Then came the distribution of presents. A footman brought up numerous gifts from the rich Kathleen to her one time foster brothers and sisters. They had nothing to give to her in return, and Mr.

His gaze settled upon the comely, troubled face of Tom Bingle's wife and, as he looked, his fierce old eyes softened. "Mary," he said at last, and his voice was gentle, almost plaintive; "you are a real angel. I just want you to know that I love you and Tom, and I want you to tell me now that you forgive me for for " "Sh! See if you can't go to sleep, Uncle Joe."

There on a nodding grass-blade, a tiny Gnat had made a swinging couch, and he too had folded his wings, closed his tiny eyes, and was fast asleep. Darker, darker, darker became the night until the darkness could almost be felt, and over all was a solemn stillness as though some powerful finger had been raised, and some potent voice had whispered, "HU SH!"

"How CAN he drink up stockings!" asked Molly, opening her round eyes very wide. "Sh! You mustn't ask. Little girls shouldn't know about such things, should they, Betsy?" "No INDEED," said Betsy, looking mysterious. As a matter of fact, she herself had no idea what Stashie meant, but she looked wise and said nothing. Some of the boys had squatted down near the rocks for a game of marbles now.

There'll be Duke Islay " "Hus s sh!" whispered Major Hall discreetly from the corner of his mouth. "Here's his young fellow coming up behind." Then loudly, "It's a very fine season indeed, Captain Campbell, a very fine season." Young Islay came forward with a salute for the Captain and his sister.

"Sh!" he whispered; "it looks as if we had waited too long; some one is approaching. Be ready to use your gun or to retreat into the house if necessary to fight it out there." "It is a white man," said the daughter in an undertone; "he may be a patient." It was clear by this time that the stranger was not a native, for he was dressed in civilized costume and his gait was that of a European.

Was it the air again, or was it the new consciousness that I was developing into a beloved and coveted beau? I stepped into the cottage through the low window, as I often did. At the same moment the cover of the wood-box flew up, and I beheld the rosy, good-natured visage of Miss Pray's orphan girl looking out: she put her finger on her lip. "Sh!" "What is it?" I said. She pointed upward.

Baby's gone to sleep." After the children had been put to bed in the little alcove off the sitting room, Mrs. Sanford came back, to find Jim absorbed over a little book of accounts. "What are you studying, Jim?" Someone knocked on the door before he had time to reply. "Come in!" he said. 'Sh! Don't yell so," his wife whispered. "Telegram, Jim," said a voice in the obscurity. "Oh! That you, Sam?

It did not occur to you to untie me; it does not occur to me to untie you. Sh ! there's a late footstep. It is coming this way. Hark, how near it is! One can count the footfalls one two three. There it is just outside. Now is the time! Shout, man, shout! it is the one sole chance between you and eternity! Ah, you see you have delayed too long it is gone by. There it is dying out. It is gone!

Again, at a turn of the trail, something dark, gray, massive looms before you, blocking the faint path; and as you stop short and shrink behind the nearest tree, a huge head and antlers swing toward you, with widespread nostrils and keen, dilating eyes, and ears like two trumpets pointing straight at your head a bull moose, sh!