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"What's the matter, Dolf? Isn't it breakfast-time? Where is your master going and and Well, Dolf, can't you tell me why Miss Elsie isn't down?" "Miss Elsie, oh, sah, she am sick." "Sick, Dolf! You don't say that?" cried Tom, starting up, with his face all in a chill of anxiety. "Yes, I mean just dat, and nothing else."

"No, sah; higher'n dat; fo' brigandine gineral at de berry leas'!" said another. Seeing no hope of escape, the prisoners had ceased their efforts and awaited their fate in sullen silence. They did not know who had been their captor, and in telling the story of Lulu's exploit the captain purposely so lowered his tones that scarce a word reached their ears.

However that may be, it is certain that the king and the high-priest were now fast friends. Chow Khoon Sah lived at some distance from the palace, at the Watt Brahmanee Waid. As the friendship between the cousins ripened, his Majesty considered that it would be well for him to have the contemplative student, prudent adviser, and able reasoner nearer to him.

You've got to come to it, sooner or later; you must knock under, sure as white blossoms make little apples. You'd better make up your mind to it." Old Man "No, sah, nevah. Ye nevah kin conquer us! We're the bravest people and the best fighters on airth. Ye nevah kin whip any people that's a fightin' fur their liberty an' their right; an' ye nevah can whip the South, sah, any way.

"An' ef I had a scoldin' wife I'd whip her sho's yer born, I'd take her down to New Orleans An' trade her off fer corn " Julius stopped with a sudden snap and whispered to John: "Lordy, sah, I clean fergit 'bout dat meetin' at de cullud folks' church, sah, dat dey start up. I promise de preacher ter fetch you, sah An' ef we gwine ter march ter-morrow, dis here's de las' night sho "

He was often tempted by the offer of coin, but he stood firm. "No, sah; I's done dancin', an' don't want to be discommunicated from de Church," he would say, good-naturedly, as he shied off, taking himself away from temptation.

"With pleasure, sah It's a pleasure for me to he'p people find a place dey'd never find without help no not whilst they're a-workin' the life out of innocent tots an' babes " Kingsley flushed hot, angered: "What do you mean, old woman?"

"Well, sah," she called, in reply, as the lad passed out, "Ah jes' hope yo' don' fin' a single one like that in this hyar whole village." "I hope not, Lily. Good-morning," he rejoined and turned toward the next house. The enumeration of the rest of the village went on rapidly.

"Have you, too, blighted somebody's happiness? Have you murdered some one?" With terror stricken eyes the woman looked up into his face and said, "Mistah, please lemme go, please sah!" "What have you done?" sternly asked Ramon. "Nothin' sah," said she. "I'se been roun' ter Dilsy Harper's, settin' up ovah Bud Harper's daid body, whut wuz sent home frum de bridge.

The vague trouble and depression that had weighed upon his soul for hours now vanished completely, and hastening along, he sprang lightly up the marble stairs, and into the rainbow-colored, spacious hall, where the first person he saw was Zabastes the Critic. "Ah, good Zabastes!" he cried gayly, "Where is thy master Sah- luma? Has he returned in safety?"