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"An' he tell you he's meet us ?" "On the steps of the archevêché." "Ah, chèrie," Yvonne tearfully broke in, "can you ever pardon that to us?" Aline smiled: "Oh, yes; in the course of time, I suppose. That was not like a drinking-saloon." "Ah-h! not in the leas'! We di'n' touch there a drop nobodie di'n' offer us!" The niece addressed the other aunt: "Go on. Tell me why you were there."

Great hotels line the Leas, a glorious promenade, along the top of chalk cliffs, that looks out over the Channel. In the distance one fancies one may see the coast of France, beyond the blue water. There is green grass everywhere behind the beach.

No boat o' her size, wi' six men aboard, could have her gunnel as high as that ere. No! If there be any besides the captain, there's only one or two. We needn't fear to go as nigh as we like. Let's put about, an' board the craft, anyhow. What say ye?" "Haben't de leas' objecshun, Massa Brace, so long you link dar no fear. Dis chile ready take de chance.

As they mounted a steep hill, Molly had considerably slackened her speed, so that Anna could look about at her ease and observe all this. "What a beautiful place this is!" she exclaimed with delight. "Well enough," said the farmer; "nice open country. Yonder pasture, where the cows are, belongs to me; if you're stopping at Waverley, missie, I can show you a goodish lot of cows at Leas Farm."

By this time the reputation of the Prior's Well had spread on all sides, and the country people had begun to visit the Leas, and stay for a week or ten days to drink of the water.

In these absurd days, too, when we are all trying to be as psychic, and silly, and superstitious as possible! People got up and trod on other people, chairs were overturned, the Leas policeman ran.

Yes, in his bitterness of soul, and foolish youthful revolt against Fate, he was attracted by the idea of claiming acquaintance with the superb Haddock in his triumphant progress, take him by the arm, and solemnly march him the whole length of the Leas! He would, by Jove! He did.

The Home District, including the most valuable portion of Upper Canada, was especially afflicted by these wholesale reservations, but every part of the Province was more or leas crippled by them.

Rochester is so talented and so lively in society, that I believe he is a general favourite: the ladies are very fond of him; though you would not think his appearance calculated to recommend him particularly in their eyes: but I suppose his acquirements and abilities, perhaps his wealth and good blood, make amends for any little fault of look." "Are there ladies at the Leas?" "There are Mrs.

On this and other important public questions, however, the diversity of opinion henceforth became less and leas from year to year. In point of numbers the adherents of Reform principles constituted a majority of the inhabitants of the Province. The Advocate was only six months old when its proprietor removed to York.