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"Upstairs. Don't go. I want to speak to you. Sit down there." At her direction Hal drew up a chair. She took the corner of the lounge near by and regarded him silently from under puckered brows. "Is it about Ellis?" said Hal, alarmed at her hesitation. "No. It is about Mr. Pierce. There won't be any libel suit." "What!" "No." She shook her head in reassurance of his evident incredulity.

It would not have seemed becoming to go in there and stretch out one's foot to that blue iron- spectacled glance, owing him for more than say two pairs, just the comfortable reassurance that one was still his client. For it was not possible to go to him very often his boots lasted terribly, having something beyond the temporary some, as it were, essence of boot stitched into them.

Ball's niece." Involuntarily Tunis had stretched forth his hands to welcome Sheila. He drew her closer without giving the Balls any attention whatsoever. One flashing glance he gave to the girl he held so gently a look which was both a promise and a reassurance. Then he gazed over her head at the smirking Ida May. "What's the matter here?" he demanded.

The young man, after a just perceptible hesitation, replied, with profuse thanks, and in a tone that did not carry complete conviction, that he was already engaged; but when they had reached the comparative reassurance of the street he asked if he might call that afternoon.

The question and accent brought the man for the first time to a realization of the girls' youth and sex. He shifted to paternal reassurance. "Oh yes, oh yes," he said, looking up the valley appraisingly at the great volume of the smoke, "with a hundred and fifty men there, almost at once, they'll have it under control before long.

There Squire Eben was about to part with Jerome, with more words of reassurance, when suddenly he remembered that his sister needed such a boy to weed her flower-beds, and had spoken to him about procuring one for her. So he had bidden Jerome follow him; and the boy, who would at that moment have gone over a precipice after him, went to Miss Camilla's tea-drinking in her arbor.

Your father has the smallpox and you have been in there close to him." "The smallpox!" "Hurry!" commanded Michael, handing her the soap and turning on the hot water. Starr obeyed him because when Michael spoke in that tone people always did obey, but her frightened eyes kept seeking his face for some reassurance. "The smallpox! Oh, Michael! How dreadful! But how do you know?

Kalus stepped back, panting, his heart near exploding with the effort and fear, while the tiger yet leered over his fallen enemy, unsure of its end. Then the bear's eyes faded, and all was silence. The cub whimpered out from its hiding place, looking to Kalus for some sign of reassurance. He knelt down and caressed her head against him, feeling much the same need himself.

Strangeways, she spoke imploringly. 'It must be What bell was that? An electric bell had rung within the house; it still trembled in her ears, and she turned sick with fright. Mrs. Strangeways, flushing red, stammered a reassurance. 'There here is the right one in a minute The door opened.

Ben Barry, his arms folded, looked on at the tableau while Geraldine murmured welcome and reassurance. "Aren't we the happiest people in the world, Pete?" she finished softly. He choked. "Yes, and I'm not going back," he was able to say at last. "I should say not," put in Ben. "I've brought somebody to help you move, Mehit," he added. Miss Upton was still staring at the dwarf's legs.