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For she was trying to thrust something into it and to close my fingers upon it. "Hush!" she whispered. "It's your watch." I gave a whistle. "My watch? How the deuce did you come by my watch?" "Prigged it," said the child in a business-like voice. "Don't know why I gave it back: seemed that I wanted to. That's why I offered to come with you: and now I'm glad. Don't care if I do get a hiding."

"I ax yer pardon, guv'nor," said the Pet deferentially. "I couldn't get on in it, nohow. So I pocketed it; but some cove has gone and prigged it." "I am unable to comprehend the nature of your language, sir," said the Rev. Thomas Tozer angrily, thinking it was an impudent undergraduate. "I don't understand you, sir; but I desire at once to know your name and college." Mr.

"Wot d'y want with me?" he demanded sulkily. "Where did you find that brooch?" "I prigged it from Mr. Beecot's pocket when he wos smashed." "Did Mr. Hay tell you to steal it?" "No, he didn't." "Then how did you know the brooch was in my pocket?" asked Paul. "I was a-dodgin' round the shorp," snapped Tray, "and I 'eard Mr. Norman an' Mr. Beecot a-talkin' of the brooch; Mr.

The following morning was spent in visiting such parts of the town of Todderton as were worth seeing. "Upon my word," said Jack, "I feel funky to show my nose outside our gate, just as if I really had prigged those wretched coins. I shan't be at all sorry this evening to get back to Ronleigh.

Krill and might put her on the track. Hence his fainting. Later, he learned how I became possessed of it, and tried to buy it. Then came the accident, and I really believed for a time that Hay had stolen it." "Aurora says he swore he did not." "And he didn't," said Paul, going to the door. "Mrs. Purr!" "You don't mean to say that old woman prigged it?" asked Hurd. "No.

'Speak up, he sez, a-gettin' cross; 'if you've prigged 'em, say so, and you'll get a good hidin' from me, for a-doin' of it; but if you tells me a lie, you'll get such a hidin' for that as 'll make you remember it all your life; so speak up, say you did it, and take your hidin' like a brick, and if you didn't prig 'em, say who did, 'cos you must 'av' seen 'em go. "I couldn't do nothin', Mrs.

Dishart, he says, 'if you'll let me break out nows and nans, I could, bide straucht atween times, but I canna keep sober if I hinna a drink to look forrit to. Ay, my father prigged sair to get one fou day in the month, and he said, 'Syne if I die sudden, there's thirty chances to one that I gang to heaven, so it's worth risking. But Mr.

I was there like a wandering spirit, for I longed to see that wood or we left the country. I saved the bairn's life, and sair, sair I prigged and prayed they would leave him wi' me. But they bore him away, and he's been lang ower the sea, and now he's come for his ain, and what should withstand him?

Well, it appears that Grizel had prigged with the women to let her be present at Ballingall's straiking, and they had refused." "I should think so," exclaimed McQueen, with a shudder. "But that's not all. She came to me in her difficulty, and said that if I didna promise her this privilege she would nurse Ballingall no more." "Ugh! That shows at least that pity for him had not influenced her."

"Yes, out with it, that's just wot I do mean that the low feller prigged the pup from her, an' I on'y vish as I 'ad a grip of his ugly nose, and I'd draw it out from his uglier face, I would, like the small end of a telescope, and then shut it up flat again so flat that you'd never know he'd had no nose at all!"