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Updated: January 1, 2025
Bagshaw, still retaining his old business-like habits of activity and industry, had contrived to wait on every person named in the list, all of whom had promised their attendance; and Mrs. Bagshaw had received from the poulterer a positive assurance that he would raise heaven and earth to supply her with pigeons on the 23d of the ensuing August! Committees were forthwith summoned.
He had escaped that time, and wrote the brief note to his great-niece, Ann Ball how familiar the name looked! with a sense of victory. He dreaded the next interview with his housekeeper, but she was business-like and self-possessed, and seemed to be giving him plenty of time. Then the captain regretted his letter, and felt as if he were going to be broken up once more in his home comfort.
Putting aside the list, the obedient secretary took up a large document, and, unfolding it, spread it on the table. "This," said Jeff, with business-like gravity, "is a plan of the Cranby Swimming Bath. The coast near the town being rocky, and in many ways inconvenient for bathing, sea-water is to be pumped into this bath daily by a steam-engine.
In quick, business-like tones he described exactly what had happened to him on that cold, foggy morning ten days ago. He was shown a plan, and he marked it slowly, carefully, with a thick finger. That was the exact place no, he was making a mistake that was the place where the other body had lain.
The young man, having fastened up the bridle, followed his host. There was a calm and business-like rather than a holiday look on his face. "And what were you going to write to me about?" he asked. "Oh, you know," said Roscorla good-naturedly. "You see, a man takes very different views of life when he knocks about a bit.
There was no hurry about payment, but it was necessary for the details to be finished up in a business-like manner. The thing looked simple enough. It was a just debt and Mr. Farnshaw intended to pay it. He'd as soon it was secured by the land as any other way. The details were soon arranged. Mr.
He has lost his appetite, and fills himself with so much drink that his health is destroyed. These business-like arrangements he communicates, two days afterwards, in a secret letter to his daughter Margaret, and already exults at his future eminence, both in this world and the next.
But he gave no sign that he cared to view the empire that lay beyond the window. "We are to be co-workers for some time, Burgess. May I ask you why you chose to come to Kansas?" Fenneben came straight to the purpose of the interview. This keen-eyed, business-like man seemed to Burgess very unlike old Dr. Wream, whom everybody at Harvard loved and anybody could deceive.
They crave for more business when they are business-like, and thus by easy steps descend to mere officiousness. Eve's story was so very simple and, to the ears of one who had known her father, so extremely likely, that Mrs. Harrington had for the moment nothing to say.
I'm not finding fault," he said kindly; "I only want you to be business-like, for I have to teach you to be a business man." He then went away and left me to settle up matters with Mrs Beeton, who began to cry when I told her I was going, and where. "It seems too dreadful," she sobbed, "and you so nicely brought up. What am I to say to your friends when they come?"
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