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"You ought to have seen her," said he, "that night when every thing was t’other side up; folks a yellin’ like they was crazy, and one man was stark mad. Miss Julia lay on the floor, the blood pourin’ out of her eyes and mouth by pails full; Miss Florence, she fainted, and they had to throw her out the window, glass and all, because there was so many low, ill-mannered niggers crowded in the hall."

Nothin' would do my wife, but she must go out an' preach too. I begged her told her that I loved her better than I did forty gospels, an' I did; but she would go. I told her not to come back but one night about three months atterward, when it was a pourin' down rain, an' my little child was a cryin', there come a knock on the door, an' an' I know'd.

"When I'm a man," said Sam Williams, "I'm goin' to hire me a couple of coloured waiters to swing me in a hammock and keep pourin' ice-water on me all day out o' those waterin'-cans they sprinkle flowers from. I'll hire you for one of 'em, Herman." "No; you ain' goin' to," said Herman promptly. "You ain' no flowuh. But nev' min' nat, anyway. Ain' nobody goin' haih me whens I'm a man.

"Clar to goodness! ef it ain't a pourin' down like de clouds was a wantin' for to drownd Miss Elsie an' de rest!" exclaimed a young mulatto girl, coming in from a back veranda, whence she had been taking an observation of the weather; "an' its that dark, Aunt Kitty, yo' couldn't see yo' hand afo' yo' face."

He started up. "Why, it's raining!" he said. Norton chuckled. "Rainin'!" he chirped joyously. "Well, I reckon it might be called that by someone who didn't know what rain is. But I'm tellin' you that it ain't rainin' it's pourin'! It's a cloud-burst, that's what it is!" Hollis did not answer. He ran to the window and stuck his head out.

'There's engines, an' rollin' stock, an' iron bridgesd' ye know what freights are noo? an' pianos, an' millinery, an' fancy Brazil cargo o' every species pourin' into the Grotkau the Grotkau o' the Jerusalem firm and the Lammergeyer's bein' painted! "Losh, I thought he'd drop dead wi' the fits.

The bronco appears with six minutes to spar'. As it arrives, the vivacious Silver Phil jumps off the roof of the stoop the same bein' low an' is in the saddle an' out o' sight while as practised a hand as Huggins is pourin' out a drink. Where the trail bends 'round a mesa Silver Phil pulls up. "'Whoop! whoop! whoopee! for Silver Phil, he shouts.

"I wonder how long you've been roarin' At this infernal rate; I wonder if all you've been pourin' Could be cipher'd on a slate. "I wonder how such a thunderin' sounded When all New York was woods; 'Spose likely some Injins have been drownded, When the rains have raised your floods.

While he's pourin' in the gasoline I paddles around and inspects the thing. "Five hundred feet up?" says I. "Excuse me!" He grins good natured. "Think you wouldn't like it, eh?" says he. "Why?" "Too cobwebby," says I. "Why, them wings are nothin' but cloth." "Best quality duck, two layers," says he. "And the frame has a tensile strength of three hundred and fifty pounds to the square foot.

"'I don't care to go pullin' off my moccasins in the Tub of Blood, an' makin' a vulgar display of my wealth by pourin' the silver onto the floor. Thar's a peck of it, if thar's dos reals; an' sech an exhibition as spillin' it out in the Tub of Blood is bound to mortify me, an' the barkeep, an' Frosty, an' most likely lead to makin' remarks.