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They'd got all our chaps lashed to stakes set up in a clear, open space in front of the village, and one of the pore unfort'nit fellers was stripped stark naked and bein' tormented by a crowd o' niggers what was puttin' burnin' splinters between his fingers, and stickin' 'em into his flesh, and pourin' red-hot cinders into his mouth, what they'd prised open by thrustin' a thick stick in between his jaws; and the shrieks as that unhappy man was lettin' fly was just awful to listen to; but the savages seemed to enjy 'em, for they just yelled with delight at every shriek.

But do ye think, man alive, that ye're goin' to do this be pourin' lard ile frim ye'er torch down ye'er spine or thrippin' over sthreet-car tracks like a dhray-horse thryin' to play circus? Is th' Constitution anny safer to-night because ye have to have ye'er leg amputated to get ye'er boot off, or because Joyce has made ye'er face look like th' back dure-step iv a German resthrant?

"Oh Alick, Alick, for the love o' God save me from Flanagan! it's me, your sisther Biddy, that's in it; save me, Alick, or I'll be lost; he has cut me to the bone wid a blow, an' the blood's pourin' from me." Her brother flew to her. "Whisht, Biddy, don't be afeard!" he exclaimed. "Boys," said he, "let my party stand by me; this is the way Bartle Flanagan keeps his oath!"

Look at it, pourin' rain over at Glenmore, the advance of it not three miles from here! It'll be here inside of five minutes, rainin' pitchforks." But it did not happen so. The rain appeared to have taken to dallying on the way, in spite of the thickening of clouds over Ascalon.

Her eyes were downcast, her shoulders slightly bent, but her voice was low and clear and thoughtful as ever. "One o' the big pines above the Madroño pit has blown over into the run," she said. "It's choked up the water, and it's risin' fast. Like ez not it's pourin' over into the pit by this time." The old man rose with a fretful cry.

"It's a fine big river," said Shif'less Sol, "but we can't see much of the country because of the trees, which shoot up so thick an' close on either bank, but I've heard that it ain't really a river, jest the stream o' water pourin' out o' them mighty lakes to the north into them lakes to the south, which ain't so mighty as the others, but which are mighty anyhow." "It's true," said Paul.

And God will bear me true, it was the very night they brought my grandson home that, lyin' down to rest a while from watchin' with the rest, nor ever wonderin' nor layin' it to mind what I had dreamed afore, but tired and heart-broke only, I seen the long, bright shinin' track ag'in, a pourin' through the window; and 'My son's son! I cries, 'dear boy! dear boy! for it was like him playin' on his violin 'What tunes must be, I cries, 'that you play so and scarce a day in heaven! But when I ris up, callin', it grew dim along the track, and there was mornin' in the room, and then I heered them cryin' where they watched.

But I cal'late we'd have been ready for the oven in another five minutes if the door hadn't bu'st open with a bang, and a loud dressed chap, with the sweat pourin' down his face, come tearin' in. "'Beat it, fellers! he yells. 'The place is goin' to be pinched. I've just had the tip, and they're right on top of me. "THEN there was times.

But Blandina whispered to me, "Oh, be merciful, Aunt Samantha, men have such powerful intellects, that Shows that would almost ruin a woman, don't affect them hardly any. Speak tenderly to him," sez she, "and I myself will gently accost Mr. Bentley." So she stepped back to his side and Josiah advanced and walked by me still pourin' out excuses.

After he had left them, the following brief dialogue took place between these two worthies: "Hourigan, blazes to me but I'm shot." "Hell's perdition to the unlucky villain so am I where are you shot, Mark?" "By japers, the blood's pourin' out from me in the thigh, an' I'm afeard I'm done for blast his unlucky hand, the villain; I wisht I had my dagger in him. Where are you shot, Darby?"