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"Here we are," she cried, with a glad eager buzz, "popping in and out of shops like rabbits; not that rabbits do pop in and out of shops very extensively." It was evidently one of her bluebottle days. "Don't you love Bond Street?" she gabbled on. "There's something so unusual and distinctive about it; no other street anywhere else is quite like it.

But it is still gay with music, virtue triumphs on, and vice grovels at the penitent form. In such quaint wise hath the "Eagle" renewed its youth, for the Grecian began life as the Eagle, and was Satan's deadliest lure to the 'prentices of Clerkenwell and their lasses: Up and down the City Road, In and out the Eagle; That's the way the money goes! Pop goes the weasel.

Now, because she recognized the man and knew his type born of the wild places even as herself, but a bastard breed the tender, wistful half-smile sped from her childish mouth and her eyes grew alert and widened as if with actual fear. She halted, evidently in doubt as to her course. "Going home?" the man asked. "I'm going up to see your pop, and I'll see you there, if you don't mind."

"He thinks he's Lord Trask of Tanith," Harkaman said. "He's right, too; he is." He looked searchingly at Trask for a moment, then turned back to Spasso. "I'm just as tired as he is of hearing you pop your mouth about a lousy two million stellars. Nearer a million and a half, but two million's nothing to pop about.

"Pop, you must be nearly deep enough," said Frank, in a guarded undertone. "I'm pretty near to the place," I replied stopping a minute to draw my handkerchief across my perspiring forehead. "I'm afraid there's somebody watching us," added Arthur. "Where?" I asked in affright, staring around in the gloom. "I thought I saw a man moving out yonder."

"Your dad'll cut you out. First thing you know you'll lose your girl, that's all." Nettie would smile. Her teeth were white and strong and even. Old man Minick would laugh and wink, immensely pleased and flattered. "We understand each other, don't we, Pop?" Nettie would say. During the first years of their married life Nettie stayed home.

I'll sit by you on the floor, if you like, and feed you same as if you was a baby." "But you are younger nor me," said Orion, with a little laugh; "seems, though, as if you were much older." "Can't help that," answered Diana; "can't help feelin' old, whether we is nor not. You is almost a baby I is k'ite a big girl. Now, open your mouth; I am going to pop in some food.

It had a long handle an' weighed about fifteen pounds. On my word, it seemed to me he slugged Frank and Andy at exactly the same time. You could 'a' heerd the'r skulls pop to the gate. They both fell kerflop in front of 'im. That left jest Lum Evans facin' 'im 'thout a thing in his hands.

And I took her into the sleeper, and the madam, God bless her! she knew Sally before and was good to her she took care of her and is cheering her up. And now, Major, I'm going to take her straight to Denver, and send for a parson and get her married to me, and she'll brace up, sure pop." The whistle sounded, and the train started.

"'Es, them sleeps. My Pop says they eats so much they has to sleep. An'," he went on eagerly, stumbling over his words, "they's so funny when they's sleep. They makes drefful noises, an' my Pop says they's snores. He says they's dreaming all funny things 'bout fairies, an' seals, an' hunting, an' all the things thems do's. They's wakes up sometimes. But sleeps again. Why does they sleep?