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"So, Guv," piped the Old Un cheerily, "we're out for the criminal's gore specially me. We're goin' to track the perisher to 'is 'orrible doom "'Where'er he be To th' gallers tree Oh, Guv, we mean t' bring him; An' laugh with j'y When nice an' 'igh The blinkin' bobbies swing 'im." "And you think you know who it was?" "I do, Guv, I do!" nodded the Old Un.

Indeed, Bumpus seemed to have parted with much of his reason, and all of his philosophy; for he could say nothing else during at least half an hour after awaking except the phrase, "So you're going to be hanged for a pirate." His comments on the phrase were, however, a little varied, though always brief; such as, "Wot a sell! Who'd ha' thought it! It's a dream, it is, an 'orrible dream!

"That may well be, sor," he said in solemn deference, "but w'ether there is or isn't such a thing, sor, it's 'orrible to see, either way." From the banding of the men against him, Madden became aware that they had decided on the real cause of the mystery behind his back, and he would have hard work to argue them out of the sea serpent idea.

"Why on earth can't you come and prove I'm drunk or mad," besought Dam. "Open the mortuary and prove I'm wrong and then put me under arrest. Call the Surgeon and say the sentry over the mortuary reports the inmate to be alive he has heard of catalepsy and comatose collapse simulating death if you haven't." "Don' use sech 'orrible languidge," besought the respectable Corporal Prag. "Ho, yus!

"What do you mean by rushing in, in this idiotic fashion?" "Oh, my lord!" gasped Simcox. "Something's something's happened. Oh, it's awful! It's the Marquess's man Mr. Jenkins he's just been to call his lordship and and oh, my lord, it's 'orrible!" Heyton rose, gripping the back of the chair. "What do you mean?" he demanded. "What the devil are you talking about?"

Wot d'ye want?" ses Dixon, with a growl, as Bob came in at the door. He was such a 'orrible figure, with the blood on 'is face and 'is beard sticking out all ways, that Bob, instead of doing wot he 'ad come round for, stood in the doorway staring at 'im without a word. "I'm paying off," ses Dixon. "'Ave you got any-thing to say agin it?" "No," ses Bob, drawing back.

So wild an' fierce-like 'e were enough to fright any woman, 'specially such a beautiful, gentle creetur' as 'is wife! Drink 's a fearsome thing!" "True, George. But Mr. Anthony would die rather than harm her, I am sure." "Maybe, sir but 'e looked 'orrible wild an' fierce when 'e rode off an' drink du be a tur'ble thing." "Now touching a chaise, George " "Chaise, sir?"

People, I say, Teddy, but they wasn't people. They was the ghosts of them that was overtook, the ghosts of them that used to crowd those streets. And they went past 'im and through 'im and never 'eeded 'im, went by like fogs and vapours, Teddy. And sometimes they was cheerful and sometimes they was 'orrible, 'orrible beyond words.

"An' a 'appy deliverance from these 'orrible countries," added Maryann. "I agree with you, Maryhann," said Jemima, draining her cup to the dregs in honour of the toast. But how did Larry and his friends spend that last night of the year in the far-off golden land?

"Why, Mr Dicey, there can't be anything very far wrong with Baker," said the captain, looking down at his second mate; "he seems to me one of the healthiest men in the ship. What's the matter with him?" "Well, I can't say, sir," replied Mr Dicey, "but he looks 'orrible bad, all yellow and green about the gills, and fearful red round the eyes.