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The Celts pushed in between these two races, and only very much later the German people, driven out of China by the Turks, as we have said, arrived in Europe. When, therefore, did these Cainist invasions of Germany take place? Obermüller says that the date must have been toward the epoch of the Roman conquests.

The former who, as he proceeds to show, were no other than the descendants of Cain betook themselves to China, which land they found inhabited by the Mongolians, another great primordial race; and we are told that the Mongolians are indicated when mention is made in Scripture of Cain's marriage in the land of Nod. Such, in brief, is the curious theory of Obermüller.

You wouldn't like that, eh?" sneered Tom. "Would you?" "Well, I've had my share of it. And she ain't. Still I ... Just what would it be worth to you to have me out of the way?" "Oh, Tom Tom " I cried. But Obermuller got in front of me. "It would be worth exactly one dollar and seventy-five cents. I think it will amount to about that for cab-hire.

And I was still laughing when I followed the detective out into the waiting-room, where Obermuller was pacing the floor. At the sight of my smiling face he came rushing to me. "Nance!" he cried. "Orders are, Morris," came in a bellow from the Chief at his door, "that no further communication be allowed between the prisoner and " Phew! All the pertness leaked out of me.

Oh, to have Fred Obermuller say things like that to you! He gave me a bit of a push. 'Twas just a love-pat. I stumbled out on to the stage. And that's why, Marguerite de Monahan, I want you to buy in with the madam here. Let 'em keep on calling it Troyon's as much as they want, but you're to be a partner on the money I'll give you.

I was thinking about it all there in the back of my head, trying to see a way out of it you know if there is such an agreement as Obermuller swears there is, it's against the law while we rattled on, the two of us, like a couple of children on a picnic, when I heard a crash behind me. The salad bowl had slipped from Obermuller's fingers.

I couldn't tell Fred Obermuller that I was making over his play, soul and as much body as I could remember, to Tausig's secretary. He'd have found that harder to believe than the other thing. It hasn't been a very happy week for me, I can tell you, Maggie. But I forgot it all, every shiver and ache of it, when I came into the office that morning, as usual, and found Mason alone.

You see, Obermuller had given me the whole day to be away, and neither Gray nor the other three Charities expected me back. I had to do it on the sly, you sassy Mag! Yes, it was partly because I love to cheat, but more because I was bound to have my chance once whether anybody else enjoyed it or not. I came to the theater in my Charity rig and the wig.

But Obermuller explained to him that he needn't act just be himself out behind the wings, and lo! Lord Harold was "chawmed." And Gray? Why, she gave in at last; pretended to, anyway sliding out of the Charity sketch, and rehearsing the thing with him, and all that. And and do you know what she did, Mag? "She's so ill, her delicate Ladyship! So ill she just can't go on this evening!

The sight of Obermuller, with those keen, quick eyes behind his glasses, his strong, square chin, and the whole poise of his head and body that makes men wait to hear what he has to say; the knowledge that that man was my friend, mine Nancy Olden's lifted me out of the mud I'd sunk back in, and put my feet again on a level with his. "Tom," I said slowly, "Mr. Obermuller is a friend of mine.