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Updated: August 25, 2024

Nancy Olden, with her hands dripping, and not a lie in her smart mouth! He picked up the bills I had dropped, counted them and put them in his pocket. Then he unhooked a telephone and lifted the stand from his desk. "Hello! Spring 3100 please. Hello! Chief's office? This is Obermuller, Standard Theater. I want an officer to take charge of a thief I've caught in my apartments here at the Bronsonia.

Two people who knew her who knew her, mind believed in Nancy Olden, in spite of appearances: Obermuller, while we were in the thick of it, and; you, you dear girl, while I was telling you of it. When Obermuller sent for me I thought he wanted to see me about that play he's writing in which I'm to star when the pigs begin to fly. Funniest thing in the world about that man, Mag.

Obermuller asked when the curtain went down, and we all hurried to the wings. I was in the black dress with the white-bibbed apron, and I looked up at him still dazed by the shine of that diamond and my longing for it. You'd almost kill with your own hands for a diamond like that, Mag! "Doped? Why what didn't I do?" I asked him.

What difference does it make? It would be a still stupider thief who'd leave a full purse instead of an empty one under his own lounge." "Yes; and you're not stupid, Miss Olden." "Thank you. I'm sorry I can't say as much for you." I couldn't help it. He was such a stupid. The idea of telling me that Fred Obermuller believed me guilty! The idea of thinking me such a fool as to believe that!

I knew he was looking at me incredulously, but I just wouldn't meet his eye. "My staying with you will do you no good " was hurrying now to get it over with "and it would do me a lot of harm. I think you're right, Mr. Obermuller; I'd better just go over to where it's warm.

I looked from one to the other Obermuller, big and savage underneath all his gay talk, I knew him well enough to see that; the little man, his mouth turned down at the corners and a sneer in his eye for the fellow that wasn't clever enough to get in with the push. "You must not give the young woman the big head, Obermuller. Her own is big enough, I'll bet, as it is.

"Then all he wants is a Lady?" "That's all," he said sarcastically. "Well, what's the matter with me?" He gasped. "There's nothing the matter with your nerve, Olden." "Thank you, so much." It was the way Gray says it when she tries to have an English accent. "Dress me up, Fred Obermuller, in Gray's new silk gown and the Gray jewels, and you'd never " "I'd never set eyes on you again."

Fred W. Obermuller, Manager Vaudeville Theater, New York City, N.Y.: Dear Obermuller: I have just learned from your little protegee, Nance Olden, of a comedy you've written. From what Miss Olden tells me of the plot and situations of And the Greatest of These your title's great I judge the thing to be something altogether out of the common; and my secretary and reader, Mr.

"My theory, if you want to know it, is that you stole the purse; that your friend Obermuller believes you did; that you got away with the three hundred, or hid it away, and " "And what a stupid thief I must be, then, to leave the empty purse under my lounge!" "How do you know it was empty?" he demanded sharply. "You said so... Well, you gave me to understand that it was, then.

Yes yes, how it looks. Well, it looks as though the Trust yes, the big and mighty T. T. short for Theatrical Trust, you innocent had heard of that same Nance Olden you read about in the papers. For one night last week, when I'd just come of and the house was yelling and shouting behind me, Obermuller meets me in the wings and trots me of to his private office. "What for?" I asked him on the way.

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