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It's a widow Hummingbird, too. I've never seen her mate since she began to set, but before that he was always flyin' round the honeysuckles and laylocks, so I'm sure he is dead." "May I come too?" asked the Doctor. "Pleased to have you, sir," said Joe, making a stiff little bow. "I'd have asked you, only most men folks don't set much store by birds 'nless they are the kind they go gunnin' for.

"You jus' lay still now 'n' think o' pleasant things. Nothin' else can't happen to you 'nless the house catches fire." Then she went out and away. It was late in the afternoon that Susan entered next door on her second visitation of mercy. "Did you like your dinner?" she inquired, as she brought a rocker to where it would command a fine view of the bed and its occupant. "Dinner! I ain't had no "

"I s'pose ye clean furgut t'wuz the on'y clock she hed," suggested Abner with a bland air of accounting for the other's conduct on the most favorable supposition. Edwards, making no reply save to grow rather red, Abner continued: "In course ye furgut it, that's what I tole the fellers, for ye wouldn't go and take the on'y clock a poor man hed wen ye've got a plenty, 'nless ye furgut.

"It beats me what ever made you go near the hind end o' that cow for," she remarked, pausing on the threshold. "Don't you know as it 's the hind end 's always does the kickin'? The front end can't do nothin' 'nless it gores. Does she gore?" "Oh, I d'n' know," wailed poor Mrs. Lathrop. "I 'm goin'," said Miss Clegg, turning her back as she spoke.

Fellers don' think enough o' their souls to build a church, an' when a pa'son comes here they don' treat him half white. O Lord! make these fellers see that when they gits caught in the final round-up an' drove over the last divide, they don' stan' no sort o' show to git to stay on the heavenly ranch 'nless they believes an' builds a house to pray an' preach in.

'Cause I can't find any whole wheat out there. It's all shocked." "Why, I never watched them long enough to see," began Allee, eyeing the great twisted wisp the older child had in her hand. "Well, I brought some grain, too, but I don't know how we can tie that to a pole, 'nless we leave it in the bag, and then how can the birds get at it!"

"A feller can't re'lly have the heart ter vote for whiskey 'nless ther's whiskey in him," said Walky, at the close of the voting on Town Meeting Day. "How about that, Cross Moore? We dry fellers have walked over ye in great shape ain't that so?" "I admit you have carried' the day, Walky," said the selectman, grimly. "He! he! I sh'd say we had! Purty near two ter one. Wal!

Bighorn’s mutton is powerful good, but tarnally shy and hung mighty high, an’ billygoat is doggoned strong ’nless you know how to cook ’em. Yes, we’ll eat an sleep fust an’ then his for the land where the Bighorn pasture, the woolywhite goats sleep on the rocks, the whistling marmot blows his danger signal an’ the pretty white ptarmigan hides hisself in the snow-banks, the home of the Ecutocks.

I ain't ever been so busy in my life as I be in this store 'nless it was when I shipped a menagerie for a feller at a Dutch Guinea port and his monkeys broke out o' their cages when we was two days at sea and they tried to run the ship. "That was some v'y'ge, as the feller said," continued Cap'n Amazon, getting well under way as he lit his after-breakfast pipe.

"Todd ain't much 'count 'nless I'm on the spot to order him 'round." The landlord came out with the glass of milk but paused before he set it down. "Let's see your money," he said suspiciously.