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Then he smiled, and the smile disclosed a front tooth missing. "I'll dream on't," he said. "Let ye know in the mornin', ma. But I won't court a minite, mind ye, 'nless I git store clothes." The boy's musings confirmed him in the idea that his mother's scheme was entirely practical.

'N' darned if I could ever quite figure out why, 'n' him so smart, 'nless because he goes poundin' through the bush like a bunch o' shantymen to their choppin', with his head stuck in his stummick, studyin' some new trick to play on a trout, makin' so much noise th' deer must nigh laugh theirselves to death at him a-packin' o' a gun. "Hunt? Warry? Does he hunt?

A woman 's rich 's I be don't need to take no one else's say-so nohow not 'nless she feels so inclined, 'n' the older I get the less I incline." Mrs. Lathrop sighed slightly, but did not alter her position by a hair. Susan whirled her stocking, took a fresh breath, and went on: "It's a subjeck 't I've been lookin' straight in the face, 's well 's upside down 'n' hind end to, f'r a good long time.

I do hope we won't tear our clothes!" said careful Helena; while Molly returned with native carelessness: "Well, I think a ride to the top of the Rockies is worth at least one habit!" "I shan't spoil mine, not 'nless I get tumbled off Blanca, someway. I've got dozens of safety-pins and I shall pin my skirt I mean drawers whatever they call these 'divided' things so tight they can't get torn.

But he, too, thought the object must be a bird. "I declare, I didn't know birds flew so high," said Mark. "It must be an eagle. No other fowl could fly so high." "'Nless it were Buttsy," remarked Washington, sotto voce. The professor was still asleep and the boys paid little attention to the flying object for some time. It was coming up behind the Snowbird, and they had no occasion to look behind.

The stranger turned inquiringly. "His name's 'George, all right," continued Seth, with another chuckle, "but I never heard of his professin' anythin' 'nless 't was laziness." The stranger's face showed a puzzled frown. "Oh but I mean the man who discovered that ants and " "Good gorry!" interrupted Seth, with a groan. "If it's anythin' about bugs an' snakes, he's yer man!

"In course it wuz repealed," said Israel. "They on'y passed it caze they wuz scairt o' the people. The loryers an rich folks got it repealed soon ez ever they dasted. Gosh, govment don' keer nothin fer wat poor folks wants, 'nless they gits up riots. That's the on'y way they kin git laws changed, 's fur 's I see. Ain't that 'bout so Peleg?" "Ye ain't fur outer the way, Isr'el.

"I should love to, dearie." "I didn't make much sunshine, I guess, 'nless 'twas here at home where folks know me, but I tried. You know Hope has been taking flowers to one of her teachers at High School, and the other day Miss Pope told her that she gave them all to her brother who is lame and can't walk, and he spends all his days drawing and painting the pretty things he sees.

Silence 'nless ye want to be skinned!" It was the voice of Prowler just behind him. "If you think I'm afraid of a lot of silly cats " began Rudolf, but his voice was drowned by the angry yowls that burst from a hundred furry throats as the islanders pressed closer and closer. "Oh, Rudolf, do be quiet!"

"Not a bat," said her mistress correctively; "it was a cat. You look at this letter an’ you’ll see. And, anyway, how could a man shootin’ at a cat hit a cook?—not ’nless she was up a tree birds’-nestin’ after owls’ eggs.