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When we piled off the express at Wilkes-Barre I charters a flivver taxi, and after a half hour's drive with a speed maniac who must have thought he was pilotin' a DeHaviland through the clouds we're landed in the middle of this forsaken, one horse dump, consistin' of a double row of punk tenement blocks and a sprinklin' of near-beer joints that was givin' their last gasp.

"Then I'll tag after you tomorrow, and speak my piece." "So jolly you're going through the Park." "Yes, thought might as well. What the guide books call 'Wonders of Nature. Only wonder of nature I ever saw in Schoenstrom was my friend Mac trying to think he was soused after a case of near-beer. Well See you tomorrow." Not once had he smiled. His tone had been impersonal.

Look more like cats than people, but they're people all right. If you doubt it, chew these facts over. "One, they learned our language in four weeks. When I say they, I mean a ten-man team of them. "Two, they brew a near-beer that's a lot nearer than the canned stuff we had aboard the Whale. "Three, they've a great sense of humor. Ran rather to silly practical jokes, but still.

I guess four hundred of 'em must be niggers. After supper we got acquainted with purty nigh all the prominent citizens in town. They was friendly with us, and we was friendly with them. Georgia had jest went fur prohibition a few months before that, and they hadn't opened up these here near-beer bar-rooms in the little towns yet, like they had in Atlanta and the big towns.

Over steins of near-beer which Murphy drank with a wry face John learned that Battling Rodriguez had fought himself to the top and was now boxing main events at Vernon, at the American Legion stadium in Hollywood and occasionally in San Francisco and San Diego. He told Murphy that he was working on the newspaper, endeavoring to develop himself into a reporter.

"I'm going to, too." "Well, I don't see how I can stop you," says I. "What do you think of this new near-beer?" she demands. "Why," says I, "it strikes me the bird who named it was a poor judge of distance." Which, almost causes Betty to swallow an olive pit. "You're simply delightful!" says she. "Why haven't we met before?"

John recognized the red-faced man in the brown check suit and the greasy derby hat who had helped him on to the truck as he stood at the bar, a glass of near-beer in front of him and chatting with the bartender, who was pulling on his white coat again. Murphy led him to the back room and rapped on a door. "Come in," a voice called.

Ain't the near-beer " he sank his voice discreetly, although there was no one to overhear "ain't the near-beer an' the still nearer beer goin' fetch you in a right peart lil' income? I'll say they is. An' ain't you goin' do mighty well on yore own account out of yore share of the commission frum Gumbo Rollinses' Flyin' Jinny?" "Hole on, hole on! How come Gumbo Rollins?"

DIVINE: At Eton I was a member at Pop; at Rugby I belonged to Near-beer. As a younger son I was destined for the police force MR. ICKY: Skip that.... Have you money?... DIVINE: Wads of it. I should expect Ulsa to go down town in sections every morning in two Rolls Royces. I have also a kiddy-car and a converted tank. I have seats at the opera And I've heard that you were cashiered from your club.

But you blast your cold, unfeeling soul, Skinner! looked him in the eye and turned him down like a drunkard turns down near-beer. Skinner, how could you do it?" Undaunted by Cappy's admonitory finger, Mr. Skinner struck a distinctly defiant attitude. "There is no sentiment in business," he replied angrily.