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Sammy was still struggling with the knot. "An' hit's a cookin' an' a scrubbin' an' a mendin' fer him, an' an' sometimes hit's a splittin' wood, an' a doin' chores, too; an' I reckon that's all." Just here the knot came undone, and the shoe dropped to the floor with a thud. Sammy sat upright.

"I've already given up guessing on you." On the table beside Mme. Le Grange lay an embroidery frame, the needle set in a puffy red peony. Mme. Le Grange picked it up and took a stitch or two. Her head bent over her work, so that the playful light made gold of the white in her chestnut hair, she pursued: "Maybe you specialize on mendin' people's bones and maybe your specialty is their insides.

I hope I'll have something to give you some time," she finished a little wistfully, and keenly regarding various rents in his clothes. "If I had my needle an' thread I might work it out, maybe. You need mendin' dreadful." "Betoken! So I do. An' be ye a colleen 'at's handy with them sort o' tools?" "Indeed, I can sew!" cried Glory, triumphantly.

Great great is the mystery of pardners. But to resoom and continue on. I was a settin' one day, after it wuz all decided, and plans laid on; I wuz a settin' by the fire a mendin' one of Josiah's socks.

Margaret appeared unconvinced. "Eh, he'd be more bother than he was worth," she remarked trenchantly. "Think 'o th' litter alone he'd mak' coomin' in an' out o' th' house. It's bad enough to be cleanin' up arter th' cats an' the dog poor dumb things, they knows no better! But a mon stumpin' in an' out wi's dirty boots, an' clooes as 'ud allus want mendin', an' stockin's weerin' at th' 'eel!

You've had it whitewashed." "Yes, m'lady. Mr. Kenny came and whitewashed it. He was very good, better than ever I can repay. He cleaned out the little place for me. The pots and pans turned in well. And he lent me a few things till, maybe I could earn a bit, washin' or mendin' or sewin'; I'm a good dressmaker. Maybe I could get work that way."

"Why," said Poll, "she has taken to my trade, an' thravels up to the Foundling; although, dear knows, it's hardly worth her while now it won't give her salt to her kale, poor girl." "Why, are the times mendin'?" asked Darby, who spoke in a moral point of view. "Mendin'!" exclaimed Poll, "oh, ay indeed Troth they're not fit to be named in the one day with what they used to be.

"Oh, I figger 'twarn't much," said he with easy unconcern. "The feller who did it was used to mendin' jewelry an' knew just how to set about it, so it didn't put him out of his way none." "Yes," echoed Bob, with a grateful smile toward Willie. "It made him no trouble at all." The two men watched the delicate fingers unfasten the package. "See how nice 'tis," Willie went on.

And, as Kenelm had, according to Mrs. Barnes, spoken and appeared as usual, it was evident that Hannah Parker, too, had gotten safely and undetected to her own apartment. Thankful knocked at his door again. "I'm sorry," she said, "but Melindy Pease hasn't sent home your mendin' yet. I'm afraid you'll have to do without your er your winter things for one more day." "Hey? My winter Oh, yes, yes.

I know them doughnuts an' things you've give me in times past, when I was drivin' by. Wish I had some on 'em now. I never let on, but Mis' Ash's cookin' 's the best by a long chalk. Mis' Peak's handy about some things, and looks after mendin' of me up." "It doos seem as if a man o' your years and your quiet make ought to have a home you could call your own," suggested the passenger.