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"I wish you would take them out just now. Pray, tell me the news, if you have got any worth telling, for I can't stop here all night." "Than, if ye maun hae't, the folk in Lunnun are a' clean wud about this bit job in the north here." "Clean wood! what's that?" "Ou, just real daft neither to haud nor to bind a' hirdy-girdy clean through ither the deil's ower Jock Wabster."

"And afore we gets there, your honour, no offence, but should like to give you some advice; 'tis ticklish place, that Lunnun, and though you be by no manner of means deficient in genus, yet, Sir, you be young, and I be " "Old, true, Bunting," added Walter very gravely. "Augh bother! old, Sir, old, Sir! "You are very right, Bunting; when I said old, I meant experienced.

Gads! what hodds to them, please your Honor, what Darby is a-dooin' up in Lunnun, or what Lewis-Philup is a-dooin' with the Frenchers?" And the ruddy farmer-gentleman stirs his toddy afresh, lays his right leg caressingly over his left leg, admires his white-topped boots, and is the picture of British complacency.

I bolted, and made my way good to Lunnun, but I should soon have been picked up and put on board the Tender again, if I hadn't got this wooden stump made, which I now carry in my hand. I had plenty of songs, and I commenced my profession, and a real good 'un it is, I can tell you.

There's baith gude and bad o' the Campbells, like other names, But this MacCallum More has an unco sway and say baith, amang the grit folk at Lunnun even now; for he canna preceesely be said to belang to ony o' the twa sides o' them, sae deil any o' them likes to quarrel wi' him; sae they e'en voted Morris's tale a fause calumnious libel, as they ca't, and if he hadna gien them leg-bail, he was likely to hae ta'en the air on the pillory for leasing-making."

Why there was Hal Whittol, eighty-two come next Michaelmas, took a trip to Lunnun last year "For young and old, the stout the poorly, The eye of God be on them surely." "Bother!" said the Corporal, turning round on his seat. "And what do you intend doing with the brindled cat? put'un up in the saddle-bags? You won't surely have the heart to leave'un."

'He was such a fashionable cove: he was always 'a gadding about, mostly to Liverpool and Birmingham, and sometimes to Lunnun, itself. He was 'keeping company one time with Beauty, Governor thought, and he was awfully afraid he'd a married her; but that was all bosh and nonsense; and Beauty would have none of his chaff and wheedling, for she liked Tom Brice; and Milly thought that Dudley never 'cared a crack of a whip for her. He used to go to the Windmill to have 'a smoke with Pegtop; and he was a member of the Feltram Club, that met at the 'Plume o' Feathers. He was 'a rare good shot, she heard; and 'he was before the justices for poaching, but they could make nothing of it. And the Governor said 'it was all through spite of him for they hate us for being better blood than they. And 'all but the squires and those upstart folk loves Dudley, he is so handsome and gay though he be a bit cross at home. And, 'Governor says, he'll be a Parliament man yet, spite o' them all.

I'm tebbly out spirits. Where shall we all go to? I dinn't think there was great a man on earth z Mizza Meadows. But the worlz wide. His Jew's eye went through our lill sgeme like a gimlet. 'Fools! says he that's me and Meadows, 'these dodges were used up in our family before Lunnun was built. Fools! Mizza Levi despises me and Meadows; and I respect him accordingly.

She was not sorry of an excuse to be by George's side, and remind him by her presence that if home had its thorns it had its rose tree, too. News soon spreads; rustic heads were seen peeping over the wall to see the finale of the fine gentleman from "Lunnun." Meantime the constable went to put his horse in a four-wheeled chaise destined to convey Robinson to the county jail.

"No, indeed! he took out his 'ploma after you left, and became a real doctor; and a pretty practice he had too, when he took, all of a sudden, to some new-fangled way of physicking, I think they calls it homy-something." "Homoeopathy?" "That's it; something against all reason: and so he lost his practice here and went up to Lunnun. I've not heard of him since."