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"Come and help, Landon," said the doctor quickly, and the great turban was handed to Sam to bear into the tent, while the professor took up the brass basin and held it ready for Frank to fill, the latter then placing his hands ready to support the patient's arm.

Jenny looked at him and laughed then snapped her fingers in his face. "Lies, is it?" she said "Well, lies make good crops, an' Farmer Jocelyn's money'll 'elp them to grow! Lies, indeed! An' how dare I come here? Why, because your old uncle is stiff an' cold an' can't speak no more an' no one would know what 'ad become o' Ned Landon if I wasn't here to tell them an' show his own letter!

"Oh no," Landon assured her; he shot one last slightly vindictive glance at Dick; "I know it by heart." Then he laughed and went from the room, shutting the door behind him. Joan stayed where she was, a seeming weight on her lids, which prevented her lifting her eyes to look at Dick. But she was intensely conscious of him, and round her heart something had closed like a band of iron.

Meanwhile the noise at the supper table grew louder and more incessant, and sundry deep potations of home-brewed ale began to do their work. One man, seated near Ned Landon, was holding forth in very slow thick accents on the subject of education: "Be eddicated!" he said, articulating his words with difficulty, "That's what I says, boys! Be eddicated! Then everything's right for us!

Mordaunt and Landon too, were bathed in that crimson light of evening, disappearing beyond the shaggy crest of the Blue Ridge and I thought I saw on their proud faces the same expression. "These three men are happy," I thought. "Their lot has been strange; they have been nearly lost; but heaven has sent to each an angel, to bring back hope to them.

But the Quartermaster's Department kept writing for those nails every quarter for four or five years." In May it was generally conceded that the war was ended, and Captains Dickerson and Turner resigned and went home. Adjutant Clapp also resigned while home on leave of absence, and Lieutenant Landon was made Adjutant.

Your verses to Miss Landon are the very best you ever composed. After all, a flesh and blood muse is best, and Miss Landon I must say is a very beautiful substitute for these aerial mistresses. I shall show it to her." How Allan should mistake E. L. E. for L. E. L., I cannot say; but in his hurry he must have overlooked it, and I hope you will rectify the error.

His brother is one of the proprietors of the Meeker mill, and they have all tried to bulldoze Landon, our ranger over there. By the way, you'll like Landon. He's a Harvard man, and a good ranger. His shack is only a half-mile from Meeker's house. It's a pretty well-known fact that Alec Belden is part proprietor of a saloon over there that worries the Supervisor worse than anything.

Now listen, child! I'm away to-day to the market town there's seed to buy and crops to sell I'll take Ned Landon with me " he paused, and an odd expression of sternness and resolve clouded his features "Yes! I'll take Ned Landon with me he's shrewd enough when he's sober and he's cunning enough, too, for that matter! yes, I'll take him with me.

Oh, don't quarrel!" she whispered, and with a parting nod to the whole party of workers she hurried away. With her disappearance came a brief pause among the men. Then Robin, turning away from Landon, proceeded to give various orders. He was a person in authority, and as everyone knew, was likely to be the owner of the farm when his uncle was dead. Landon went close up to him. "Mr.