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Le Moyne's house there boarded a walking interrogation-point of a woman. She wished to know what "L'Article 47" meant; she would know. She tried Mr. Harkins; Mr. Harkins said he didn't know. She tossed her head and tried Mr. Crisp; Mr. Crisp patiently and elaborately explained just why he could not give any information. She implied that he did not know a lady when he saw one, and fell upon Mr.

It was during the rehearsals of "L'Article 47" that I enjoyed one single hearty laugh, a statement that goes far to show my distressed state of mind, for generally speaking that is an unusual day which does not bring along with its worry, work, and pain some bubble of healing laughter. It was a joke of Mr. Le Moyne's own special brand that found favour in my eyes and a place in my memory.

A town of cheap fashion, a town of glass and stucco. The pungent odour of the eucalyptus trees, the light breeze stirred not the foliage, sheared into mathematical lines. It was like yards of baize dwindling in perspective; and between the tall trunks great plate-glass windows gleamed, filled with l'article de Londres. He drove to the hotel from which Mrs.

Cabinet-work and brasswork, theatrical costumes, blown glass, painted porcelain all the various fancy goods known as l'article Paris are made here. Dirty and productive like commerce, always full of traffic foot-passengers, vans, and drays the Cite Bourdin is an unsavory-looking neighborhood, with a seething population in keeping with the squalid surroundings.

Cabinet-work and brasswork, theatrical costumes, blown glass, painted porcelain all the various fancy goods known as l'article Paris are made here. Dirty and productive like commerce, always full of traffic foot-passengers, vans, and drays the Cite Bourdin is an unsavory-looking neighborhood, with a seething population in keeping with the squalid surroundings.

Le redacteur de l'article a ete plein de bienveillance a mon egard, et je vous prie de lui faire savoir que je suis fort touche de l'appreciation qu'il veut bien faire de mes travaux. Je profiterai de ses justes critiques pour mes autres traductions; mais il est un point ou je ne suis pas tout a fait d'accord avec lui.

I wonder what made Rodin put a woman in that position." She looked at me, and there was a look of curious inquiry on her face. Overcome with a sudden shyness, I hastened to assure her that the statue was "La Danaide." "Rodin often introduces a trivial voluptuousness into art; and his sculpture may be sometimes called l'article de Paris.

How often we hear people say, "Oh, that's only a play!" or "That could only happen in a play!" and yet it's surprising how often actors receive proof positive that their plays are reflecting happenings in real life. When Mr. Daly had "L'Article 47" on, at the 5th Avenue Theatre, for instance, the key-note of the play was the insanity of the heroine.

C'est beaucoup d'avoir deux vies et presque deux patries. Mr. Burton a-t-il publie l'article qu'il projetait sur mon Histoire de France? Adieu, my dear Sir. Tenez-moi un peu au courant de ce qui se passe chez vous et de ce que vous en pensez. Nous vegetons ici dans les tenebres, en attendant un mieux qui viendra, je ne sais quand ni comment. Mais je persiste a y croire. Tout a vous, GUIZOT.

"Orang-outang nom de cet animal aux Indes orientales: Pongo nom de cet animal a Lowando Province de Congo. "Jocko, Enjocko, nom de cet animal a Congo que nous avons adopte. 'En' est l'article que nous avons retranche."