United States or Turks and Caicos Islands ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

The room showed every evidence of being occupied, and at a glance it was easy to guess the vocation and also the sex of the tenant. In the wardrobe hung a few old dresses, most of them a good deal worn and shabby, while in an open drawer at the bottom could be seen several old pairs of women's shoes. On an armchair was thrown a cheap kimona.

Then as Hester opened her eyes wide, she saw bending over her, a tall, slender girl enveloped in a soft kimona, and with her dark hair streaming like waves over her shoulders. Beautiful! Hester decided at that instant that she had never seen a sweeter face. "I slipped in last night so that I might not waken you. I am Helen Loraine. I hope we shall be good friends, little roommate."

How could I look ahead and see that my son would grow up so soon and buy his mother a fur-lined coat, or that my three girl babies for whom I sewed so happily would make me a kimona and such a beautiful garment? I am wearing it now...." The clear cold weather came to an end during holiday week and a heavy storm set in a few days before New Year's.

The good things of civilization are there, but they are unobtrusive, and the evils of civilization appear not at all, the native does not wear a derby hat with a kimona, as he does in Japan, nor offer you souvenirs of Zanzibar manufactured in Birmingham; Reuter's telegrams at the club and occasional steamers alone connect his white masters with the outer world, and so infrequent is the visiting stranger that the local phrase-book for those who wish to converse in the native tongue is compiled chiefly for the convenience of midshipmen when searching a slave-dhow.

Her eyes were so full of salt water she couldn't find the armholes of her pink kimona, and Ralph had to help her. "I'll go with her, Mother," he offered. "I'll sit on the stairs and wait while she hunts for the buttons; and after this you will leave Dick's things alone, won't you, Sister?" Sister promised joyfully, and paddled off downstairs with Ralph.

You wouldn't hate Him, you would love Him, if you knew Him." "Fancy knowing God as you would your other friends! How dreadful! Let's go to bed!" Opal began to get out her lovely brushes and toilet paraphernalia and Lynn let down her wonderful golden mane and began to brush it, looking exquisite in a little blue dimity kimona delicately edged with' valenciennes.

I thought it was all right, an' that ye kept 'most everything here." "Well, I don't, and never expect to. Now, look at this, for instance," and the storekeeper touched the paper with the forefinger of his right hand. "A kimona, just think of that! I never had a call for such a thing before." "Is that down thar?" the captain enquired, reaching for the list. "Sure, ye can see for yourself.

He is very young, Mrs. Greeve, and very much ashamed, I am sure. So please don't make it too hard for him." She stood, little slippered feet planted sturdily in the first position in dancing, fat, bare arms protruding from the kimona, her work-stained fingers linked together in front of her. With a soiled thumb she turned a ring on her third finger.

Besides, Mis' Farley don't like me very well since you've been havin' yo' breakfasts and dinners brought up here." "Why not?" Taking the kimona off the chair-back, Laura went to the dresser, and, putting the kimona in the drawer, took out her purse, an action not unobserved by the stealthy African, who at once grew correspondingly more amiable and communicative.

Sin, who still moved in a semi-phantasmagoric world, swiftly raised the hem of her kimona, affording a glimpse of a shapely silk-clad limb. From a sheath attached to her garter she drew a thin stilletto. Curiously feline, she crouched, as if about to spring. Sin Sin Wa extended his hand, grasping his wife's wrist.