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Their footwear I love, only, of course, it holds them still more to the conventional position as it leaves the legs bare above the ankle, and they must walk so as not to show that as well as not to disturb the lap of the kimona down the front.

For the remainder he wore pale-rose pajamas under a silk-and-silver kimona, an obi pierced with a jewelled scarf-pin; and he was smoking a cigarette as thin as a straw. "Well!" said his young wife in astonished displeasure, instinctively tucking her feet from which her maid had just removed the shoes under her own chamber-robe.

She stepped to the closet, picked down a lavender silk kimona and drawing it over her gown she gathered it around her and opening the bathroom door, she stepped into a little hall leading to the dining-room. As she entered the living-room the Harvester bent over his book. Her step was very close when he heard it and turned his head. In an instant she touched his shoulders.

With another spasm of anger, Mary noticed the hair she brushed hair long and lustrous and lifted in soft waves. A pink kimona lay across the back of her chair, a pretty thing but not at all French. "Put it on," said Mary, "and come here. I want to show you something." Desire did not ask "What?" Nor did she keep Mary waiting. Pleasant or unpleasant, it was not Desire's way to delay revelation.

This was lovely, but sometimes too subtle for us to grasp all the movements. These girls all dress in dark colors like the ladies, only with the difference prescribed by the profession, such as the low neck in the back and the full length of the kimona on the floor like a wave around her. With the young ones the obi is different, being tied to drop down on the floor in a long bow.

While Symes may have felt that the editor was going it rather strong when he compared him to the financial geniuses of the world beginning with Croesus and ending with the Guggenheims, he made no protest. Behind Mr. Symes, wide-eyed and solemn, and transformed nearly past recognition by a hobble skirt and "kimona" sleeves, stood Mrs.

And" he looked back from the door of his own apartments "I got Julius Neergard on the wire this afternoon and he'll dine with us." He gathered up his shimmering kimona, hesitated, halted, and again looked back. "When you're dressed," he drawled, "I've a word to say to you about the game to-night, and another about Gerald." "I shall not play," she retorted scornfully, "nor will Gerald."

It always was too high. I'll feel more comfortable in a kimona." She turned to her dressing table. "Aunt Harriet brought me something which pleased me. I have an old pin which belonged to mother when she was a girl. I thought I had lost it, but Aunt Harriet said I left it at her home and she brought it with her." Helen held the pin in her hand while she talked.

The wind, none the less bitter for being casual, whipped in through the open windows of the living room bearing with it the dismal secrets of the areaway and clearing the Patch apartment of stale smoke in its cheerless circulation. Gloria, wrapped in a warm kimona, came into the chilly room and taking up the telephone receiver called Joseph Bloeckman. "Do you mean Mr.

Which he did after Selwyn had been seated for twenty minutes strolling in clad only in silken lounging clothes, and belting about his waist, as he entered, the sash of a kimona, stiff with gold.