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"Then I will dare anything that I may let him know Felipe Jalisco means to keep the oath he has taken." It was a pleasant dinner hour at the home of Warren Hatch when Frank met Mrs. Hatch, who proved to be a strangely modest, motherly sort of woman.

"The old man has gone out to beg," thought Jalisco. After leaving the house, old Spooner faltered along the street, turned several corners, and finally arrived at another house, which he entered. Ascending one flight of stairs, he unlocked a door and disappeared into a hall room, closing and locking the door behind him. Fully thirty minutes passed before that door was unlocked and opened again.

In a moment Merry had pointed Jalisco out to Bronson, and placed the warrant in the hands of the officer. Then he strode forward, pushed into the group, placed his hand on the shoulder of young Hatch, and said: "Come, Arthur; you're going to come out of this place with me." Bantry Hagan gave a cry of surprise and anger. "It's Merriwell!" he shouted. "Jump him, boys! Do him up!"

Then Felipe hurriedly told how Frank was working a rich mine on land that had been granted to Sebastian Jalisco by the first president of Mexico, General Victoria, and how the American had declared the grant a forgery and had refused to pay a dollar of tribute to Felipe.

For two days I've had some of them following me round in plain clothes, and I'm tired of it. Call them off, me boy I warn ye to call them off!" "When they find Felipe Jalisco I think they'll not bother you further." "So you're going to have the boy arrested?

"That's the last of Alvarez Lazaro!" said Bart Hodge, who had escaped serious injury and was watching in company with Browning and Merriwell. "His murderous plotting is finished. He'll never trouble you again, Frank." In a private ward of a New York City hospital lay Felipe Jalisco so hidden with bandages that scarcely more than his eyes could be seen.

His name is Felipe Jalisco, with a whole lot of fancy middle names thrown in." "We have your word for it, but it takes something more than the mere word of Bantry Hagan to cut any ice." "Does it, indeed, me lad?" "It does." "Then you shall have something more. In fact, Mr. Merriwell, I fancy I can give you all you require. What do you want?" "Proof."

"And lie when you take the oath!" retorted Frank, unable longer to restrain his feelings toward the fellow. "Mr. Hatch, you have a snake in your house, and there he is!" Felipe Jalisco made good his escape that night, thanks to the assistance of his friend, Carlos Mendoza.

"Now that they know the man is not dead, having proof that he tried to murder Scott and Hatch, they'll either capture him or make New York too hot to hold him. I'll take care that Felipe Jalisco has every attention. But I don't propose to let anything upset my plan of an athletic tour." Upper Broadway was blazing with light.

He's been shadowed by the police since yesterday. Now you can't guess why he grew suspicious?" "I cannot," confessed Jalisco, closing and locking the door. "The coppers stopped watching him," laughed the Irishman. "Although he tried to discover some one chasing him about, not a soul took the trouble.