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She was unused to travelling, and found the short journey tiresome in the extreme; indeed her throbbing temples called imperatively for quietness and rest. The train steamed into the dark, tunnel-like depot, and stepping out on the platform, they found, after some difficulty, the little room that was designated "The Waiting-Room," where Lancy left the girls to inquire for hotel accommodations.

"Well?" said she, imperatively turning on him. The man looked confused and stammered. "Well?" she repeated, with an angry impatience. "I beg your pardon, Madame la Baronne, but I am to say " "You are to say?" she echoed, scornfully, seeing that he paused and stammered anew. "Say what you are to say." "Perhaps it would be better," the man said, "if I spoke to madame alone."

Ay, death an' I know I'm not fit to die, or to meet judgment, an' you know that too. Now, then, tell me what it is you want wid the Box." "No," he replied, sternly and imperatively, "I'll tell you nothing about it; but get it at wanst, before my passion rises higher and deadlier." "Well, then, mark me, I'm not afeard of you but I have the box." "An' how did you come by it?" he asked.

It was, indeed, the only thing for him to do; he had no business in New York; while, on the other hand, there would, of course, be a judicial inquiry into the circumstances connected with the loss of the Everest, at which his presence, as the sole surviving officer of the ship, would be imperatively required.

And if there are no interests or ties to make their presence in their own country imperatively necessary, it is certainly a matter of option with them where they take up their abode.

This done, and the lawyer having taken his leave, the grim Doctor desired, and indeed commanded imperatively, that crusty Hannah should quit the room, having first we are sorry to say placed the brandy-bottle within reach of his hand, and leaving him propped up in his arm-chair, in which he leaned back, gazing up at the great spider, who was, dangling overhead.

To-night Jim went into his kitchen and cooked his supper with all a woman's deftness. His kitchen was always clean, though, to the end of keeping it so, he had discarded one thing or another, not imperatively needed.

"Have you nothing to say in reply?" asked the general. "Nothing, father; but I have a favour to ask of you." "What is it?" "I do not wish to marry until I am twenty years old." "Why not?" "I have taken a vow to that effect." "But if circumstances demanded the breaking of this vow, and made the celebration of this marriage imperatively necessary?" "What circumstances?" asked Vaninka.

"Who is going?" he demanded imperatively. "Father and mother, and you and me, I s'pose?" "No," said Maggie, beginning to sniff, "your father isn't going." "Then mother is going, and you too, Maggie, will be there to mend my clothes," he said in a satisfied way. "Yes, yes, I'll gang wi' ye, my bairn, my bonnie laddie I'll no leave ye in a strange land by yersel' but not your mother."

Seward, at the start, took the wrong track, and took it because he is ignorant of history and of the logic in human affairs. To save the Union as it was, it was imperatively necessary to strike quick and crushing blows, and to do this in May, June, etc., 1861. Mr. Seward could have realized then what now is only a throttling nightmare the Union as it was. But Mr.