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Mebbe you don' care if she does get marry, eh?" "Not if she gets a man that will treat her right." "Wal! Wal! Dere's no trouble 'bout dat," exclaimed Doret, fervently. "No man w'at's livin' could treat her bad. She's too good an' too purty for have bad husban'." "She is, is she?" Gale turned on him with a strange glare in his eyes. "Them's the kind that get the he-devils.

In three days he answered my prayer, an' jus' tole me I's gwine to be free, an' I tole my husban' so, but he couldn't git faith in me. I tole 'im to put faith in God, as I did now. But I did lose faith in my bes' frien' when Bailey tole me you an' Hatfiel' betrayed my gal Mary, an' got a hundred dollars reward; den I was mos' crazy.

"I had twelve chillun but right now missus, I can only 'member dese names: Robert, 'Lijah, Edward, Cornelius, Littie, Rachel and Sophie." "I was converted in Leon County and after freedom I joined de Methodist church and my membership is now in Mount Zion A.M.E. Church in Jacksonville, Florida." "My fust husban was Nelson Walker and de las' one was name Dave Nickerson. Mrs.

"Ah jes' know I can't eveh tell yo' all dose things." "This is different," Hamilton pointed out. "Those other questions are about farms, just as you say, but these are all about your own family." "Yes, sah, yes, sah. Ah tol' mah husban' so when we were talkin' about that yar farm business.

She faced fairly around now, and was full earnestness. "Has I had any trouble? Misto C , I's gwyne to tell you, den I leave it to you. I was bawn down 'mongst de slaves; I knows all 'bout slavery, 'case I ben one of 'em my own se'f. Well sah, my ole man dat's my husban' he was lovin' an' kind to me, jist as kind as you is to yo' own wife.

An' can't nobody ketch her tell one night her husban' watch her an' he see her jump outer her skin an' drop it on the he'rth an' turn to a 'normous black cat an' go up the chim'ly.

Dere was Nancy, my fellow servant; somehow she got a spite agin Nancy's husban', said he shouldn't come dere any more. Pore Nancy, her and Andy war libing together in dar nice little cabin, and Nancy did keep ebery ting shinin' like a new pin, 'cause she would work so hard when she was done her task for Missus.

The gifts of her husband were no less generous: a side of meat, a supply of meal, potatoes, hominy, sugar, a jug of cider vinegar, and another of molasses, concerning which gifts he declared, in answer to Abner's protest: "Of course, you'n' Betty kin live on love; so I jes' put in them eatables fur Susan pore gal, she ain't got no husban' yit to mek her fergit she's got a stommick.

"She's the colored 'oman what 'tends to me ever sence me an' Wilkes Booth Lincoln's born, an' Uncle Jup'ter is her husban' an' he sho' is a stingeree on cussin'. Is yo' husban' much of a cusser?" he inquired. A pale pink dyed Miss Minerva's thin, sallow face. "I am not a married woman," she replied, curtly, "and I most assuredly would not permit any oaths to be used on my premises."

Her fus' husban' were all time ahuntin', so she got a little white marble pa'tridge arestin' on he' head, an' hit am a mighty consolement to a po' widda 'oman fo' to know dat she can tell de very minute her eyes light on er grabe which husban' hit am.