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Th' clerk goes up to th' state house, where th' gov'nor is ixicutin' th' high thrust reposed in him be himsilf, behind breastworks an' guarded be some iv th' most desp'rate an' pathriotic ruffyans in th' state. 'What have ye there? says his ixcillincy, with his hand on th' sthring iv a dinnymite gun. 'A writ fr'm th' coort bouncin' ye fr'm ye'er high office, says th' clerk.

'Twas a shame to give th' comp'nies what they wanted, but th' five thousan' was a lot iv money. 'Twud lift th' morgedge. 'Twud clane up th' notes on th' new conthract. 'Twud buy a new dhress f'r Mrs. Dochney. He begun to feel sorrowful f'r th' widdies an' orphans. 'Poor things! says he to himsilf, says he. 'Poor things, how they must suffer! he says; 'an' I need th' money.

And now's your chance to show Moike that you can kape the dishes shinin', and niver a speck of dust on anything as well as he could himsilf." Jim straightened himself, and Mike smiled encouragingly upon him. "You can do it, Jim," he said with a nod. And Jim decided then and there that he would do it. "I'll be lookin' round when I come to visit you all from Mrs.

Sich a witherin', blistherin' tongue lashin' wud scorch the hide av the owld divil himsilf." He looked admiringly after the Seer. "D'ye think, now, that the poor lad will be afther tacklin' the job alone, like he said? Sure, ut's nerve he has all right but he lacks judgment." "Yes, he has the nerve all right," returned Abe slowly, "and we'd better keep an eye on him. Tell Tex."

"Come back out o' this with yuh." She caught Mrs. Cregan's arm. "It's no thing to be doin' on the street! Come back, now. Where're yuh goin'?" Mrs. Cregan marched stolidly ahead and carried her neighbor with her. "I've quit 'm." "Quit who?" "Himsilf.... Dinny." Mrs. Byrne expressed her emotion and showed her tact by silently compressing her lips. "I've quit 'im, fer good an' all."

They're buildin' into Rubio City from the East now." The Irishman became excited. "An' this man that knows me this engineer is he a fine, big, up-standin' man wid brown eyes an' the look av a king?" "I ain't never seen no kings," drawled Tex, "but the rest of it sure fits him." "Well, fwhat do ye think av that? 'Tis the Seer himsilf, or I'm not the son av me own mither.

"'Me little mahn, it's drinkin' ye've been. Do yez want me to arrest the Po-liss Magisthrate himsilf? Who are ye at all, at all? Ye'd betther be after goin' home and lyin' down, or I'll lock ye up for making a dishturbance. Do ye moind me now?" Grainger could no longer control his laughter, and in the midst of it, Myra tapped vigorously at the door, He rose and opened it.

"'Well, says George to himsilf, 'I guess I'll have to go up an' have a look at this la-ad's place, he says, 'an' if it looks good, he says, 'p'raps I cud nail it, he says.

"Well, you see, ma'am, 'tis girl's work entoirely you want him to do. And Pat's been put on and made fun of almost more than he can bear since we moved to Wennott. Sure and them b'ys I'd call 'em imps, only they're big for imps, bein' bigger and stouter than Pat himsilf they sets on him and foretells when his arms is goin' to burst through his sleeves and such as that, loike an almanac, ma'am.

It don't make anny difference if all she knew about her marital hero was that he was a consistent feeder, a sleepy husband, an' indulgent to his childher an' sometimes to himsilf, an' that she had to darn his socks. Nearly all th' gr-reat men had something th' matther with their wives. I always thought Mrs.