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"True, but Señor Cullison must remember his hands are tied behind him. He will perhaps not find the grabbing good," his opponent suggested politely. "Come to that, your hands are tied too, my friend. You can't hold me here forever. Put me out of business and the kid will surely settle your hash by proving up on the claim. What are you going to do about it?"

I was warden till I found myself trying to carry on conversations with tumblebugs and whippoorwills." When Wagg had driven along far enough so that the native could not overhear, he hailed Vaniman through the trap in the top of the van. "Did you hear that?" "Yes." "Is that Devilbrow within grabbing distance of what we're after?" Vaniman returned a hearty affirmative.

Tell me about it quickly!" "Me tell!" said Koku. "Hear bell, know bad mans hide in cave. I creep up an' watch!" His dramatic pause might have seemed funny at any other time but Tom was badly worried. "Hurry up!" commanded the young inventor sharply, grabbing the giant's arm. "What happened?" "Nothing happen US," answered Koku.

Jo Bill stood with arms akimbo and gazed at her former playmate, anger gradually gaining the ascendency over the amusement caused by his outspoken admiration of the ponderous and impolite Mrs. Pace. As the door closed on the two ladies, Jo suddenly reached out, and grabbing Polly by his flowing tie, she boxed his ears soundly. "There, you goose, I've been wanting to do that for years!"

They couldn't do a bit of good, but they hung on, each grabbing handfuls of twine in a last effort to hold up the seine. The seine-boat went under and they up to their necks and then it turned over and in toward the seine. Some of us hollered we were afraid that it was all up with both of them that they would be thrown toward the inside and tangled up in the seine.

She had to get in touch with Nuwell at once. She recognized that if she could get out of this building and across the street to her rooming house, she would be safe for a little while. She could telephone Nuwell from there. Grabbing her purse, she hastened out of the office.

"It's corn it's real corn!" cried Mun Bun. "Don't be afraid, goosey-goosey-gander," and he shouted with laughter. Margy threw a handful of corn too. At once the geese drew nearer. When they reached the first kernels they began grabbing them up with that strange shoveling motion with their bills that all geese and ducks make. The children watched them with delight.

Dear John: I have never met you personally, but I've heard my brother, Teddy, speak of you so often that you really seem to be one of the family. Dear John, will you please pardon the liberty I take in grabbing a two-cent stamp and jumping so unceremoniously at one who is, after all, a perfect stranger?

"What do you mean by stopping this lady?" he shouts, at the same time grabbing the poor creature by the throat. "Back to your house and take out your goods, or I'll burn them on the road." "Take your hands off that woman," cries Harvey. He stands in his saddle and waves his hand menacingly at the sheriff. "Stop choking her! Do you hear!" With savage energy Marlin hurls the widow to the ground.

"You get out of here." Sam Kirby was in the midst of a discussion with the proprietor, across the bar, and because there was a deal of noise in the place he did not hear his daughter's low-spoken protest. "Oh, I mean it!" The former speaker scowled at Rouletta. "You dolls make me sick, grabbing at every nickel you see. Beat it, now! There's plenty of young suckers for you to trim.