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As for him, he bore it better than them, but it must have been eight days since a drop of liquid had passed his lips. "Golly, dat am bad," said Snowball in the galley that evening, when some of the hands gathered round the caboose to have a comfortable pipe and talk over the events of the day. "Dat orful bad, eight day widout grub or liquor! dis niggah not able 'tomach dat for sure!"

Molly's an easy cow to milk and I can get almost all there is, though Ivory comes after me and takes the strippings. Golly swishes her tail and kicks the minute she hears us coming; then she stands stiff-legged and grits her teeth and holds on to her milk HARD, and Ivory has to pat and smooth and coax her every single time.

You're a meek little baa-lamb, but you've got lots of stuff in you, old Wrennski. Oh say, by the way, could. you let me have fifty cents till Saturday? Thanks. I'll pay it back sure. By golly! you're the only man around the office that 'preciates what a double duck-lined old fiend old Goglefogle is, the old " "Aw, gee, Charley, I wish you wouldn't jump on Guilfogle so hard.

You never said you'd been there." Roy started and went hot all over. "Well, I have just on a visit. And she's not an ayah. She's my Mummy!" Joe Bradley opened his mouth as well as his eyes, which made him look plainer than ever. "Golly! what a tale! White people don't have ayahs for Mothers not in my India. I s'pose your Pater married her out there?" "He didn't. And I tell you she's not an ayah."

"By golly," Babbitt droned, "wouldn't be so bad to go over to the Old Country and take a squint at all these ruins, and the place where Shakespeare was born. And think of being able to order a drink whenever you wanted one! Just range up to a bar and holler out loud, 'Gimme a cocktail, and darn the police! Not bad at all. What juh like to see, over there, Paulibus?" Paul did not answer.

"By golly, if he can ride into the thing and break it, or keep up with it till it breaks itself, he'll get the sheepskin!" Drummond muttered. "But he won't keep it. He's left his gun. He's our meat now!" Then Pete rode up rapidly, leading Drummond's mount, and next moment they were on the dead run in pursuit of Hiram.

"Suppose that " He stopped abruptly. The Very Young Man started hastily to his feet. "Oh, golly!" he exclaimed as the same thought occurred to him. "That lizard " He looked about him wildly. "It was foolish perhaps." The Doctor spoke quietly. "But we can't help it now. The sparrow has gone.

On the other hand, I don't see how you are going to do much good unless I could take those horses out of your hide!" Johnny stared round-eyed at the 'phone, even after Sudden had hung up his receiver. "Good golly!" he muttered, with a faint return of his normal spirit. "Old Sudden oughta been a lawyer."

I wish I had more money with me, but you will see me again, and I will make it all right with you." "It's all right now, mas'r. What wouldn't I do for Missy Rita? When my ole mammy was sick she bro't med'cin, and a right smart lot ob tings, and brung her troo de weariness. Golly!

You'se strong 'nuff 'cept your mine's been off wisitin' somewhar. Golly! you jes' git up an' let me dress you, an' I'll show yer de han'somest woman in de worl'. All yer's got ter do now is jes' be sensible like, an' yer won't have yer match." Grace cast an apprehensive look toward the door of the parlor in which was her husband, and then said hurriedly: "Yes, dress me quick.