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"I dassn't break it off, gen'lemen, not by word of mouth; but but we might write." "And lay yourself open to a breach of promise case and heavy damages. No I've a better plan than that. We'll make Miss Dutton release you. She shall do the writing this time." "Boys," said Jasperson solemnly, "she'll never do it never! Her mind is sot on merridge. I see it all now. She hypnotised me, by golly!

Another six inches say! Look at Tod. If he isn't fishing right above the flume. Wonder if he's noticed." "Noticed? He's got a bite, that's what! Look at him bending to it. It's a big one, you bet. Golly, did you see that!" "I see more than that," exclaimed Jerry grimly, dropping his precious pole and starting across the slippery rocks on the run.

On catching sight of the object, which he knew had not been there before, his terror at once came to an end; and a long cachinnation, intended for a peal of laughter, announced that "Snowball was himself again." "Golly!" he exclaimed. "Look dar, Massa Brace. Look at de ting dat hab gub us sich a frightnin. Whuch! Who'd a beliebed dat de long-nose had got so much 'trength in im ugly body? Whuch!"

He condemned magnificently and forgave piously, and as he went parading out with his wife he was grandly explanatory to her: "Kind of a shame to bully Zilla, but course it was the only way to handle her. Gosh, I certainly did have her crawling!" She said calmly, "Yes. You were horrid. You were showing off. You were having a lovely time thinking what a great fine person you were!" "Well, by golly!

As the two girls dressed hurriedly for the theater, Adored confessed: "Golly! I'm glad I stayed. He's not bright; he's perfectly silly about some things, and yet he's the most interesting talker I ever heard. And CAN'T he play a piano?" Hannibal Wharton arrived in New York at five o'clock and went directly to Merkle's bank. At eight o'clock Jarvis Hammon died.

Georgie, do you hear that? They get their fresh garden peas out of the garden, in Italy! By golly, you live and learn, don't you, Antonio, you certainly do live and learn, if you live long enough and keep your strength. All right, Garibaldi, just shoot me in that steak, with about two printers'-reams of French fried spuds on the promenade deck, comprehenez-vous, Michelovitch Angeloni?"

"Well, you gave me the keys to your apartment. Wasn't I supposed to use them?" "Of course, silly." She came across the room and sat down on the sofa beside him. She bent down and kissed him. "Golly," he said, sarcastically enthusiastic, "that was about as stimulating as a meeting between two dead fish." "Frank! For heaven's sake! What's got into you lately?"

We brought some food along, and my advice to you is to eat and keep up our strength. We'll need it." "By golly gracious, that's so!" declared Eradicate. "I'll git de eatin's." Fortunately there was a goodly supply, and, going in one the houses they ate off a table of solid gold, and off dishes of the precious, yellow metal.

"Dad, where's my pack?" cried Jean. "These young Apaches are after my scalp." "Reckon the boys fetched it onto the porch," replied the rancher. Guy Isbel opened the door and went out. "By golly! heah's three packs," he called. "Which one do you want, Jean?" "It's a long, heavy bundle, all tied up," replied Jean.

"No, don't say anything about the images brass or gold," cautioned Tom. "But, Rad, there's another thing. We may run across the head-hunters down there in Mexico." "Head-hunters? What's dem?" "They crush you, and chop off your head for an ornament." "Ha! Ha! Den I ain't in no danger, Massa Tom. Nobody would want de head ob an old colored man fo' an ornament. By golly!