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Updated: October 11, 2024

The minister gave out his text and droned along monotonously through an argument that was so prosy that many a head by and by began to nod and yet it was an argument that dealt in limitless fire and brimstone and thinned the predestined elect down to a company so small as to be hardly worth the saving.

Give me your gripper, my dearie," she seized his wrist and bent back the palm of the hand to trace the lines with a dirty finger. "Good fortune comes to you and to her, my golden rye," she droned in true gypsy fashion. "Money, and peace, and honor, and many children, to carry on a stainless name.

Slowly the twenty-four men of the grand jury following him filed into place and sat themselves down in the shadows. Then the gaunt figure the Vicomte or high sheriff bowing to the Bailly and the jurats, went over and took his seat beside the Attorney-General. Whereupon the Bailly leaned forward and droned a question to the Grand Enquete in the shadow.

It increased in density, and was a solid, opalescent sphere. "There is a sphere, a foot in diameter, ten feet from me," droned Arcot. The sphere was there. "It is moving to the left." The sphere moved to the left at Arcot's thought. "It is rising." The sphere rose. "It is changing to a disc two feet across."

Then they all gathered round the table, and Mr. Grimes droned out the necessary formalities. The bride-elect listened, half in a dream the bridegroom rather more attentively. "Are you quite sure," said he, pausing, with the pen in his hand, and casting his eyes keenly over the document "are you quite sure this deed answers the purpose I intended? This is the total amount of property which Mr.

"Do you sometimes fancy everyone unsympathetic?" "Sort of," came a trembling little sigh. Again the bees droned their drowsy lullaby. The song of the field hand was hushed, but in its place was the smell of new turned earth that told of a labor finished.

The lazy husband droned away the hours in the dram-shops, gulping down the hard earnings of his busy wife, or he staggered home with his reeling brain, to vent his ill-nature on the little pale thing that kept the house.

The ministers returned this fixed and perfunctory gaze with pale, set faces, only feebly masking the emotions which each new name stirred somewhere among them. The Bishop droned on laboriously, mispronouncing words and repeating himself as if he were reading a catalogue of unfamiliar seeds. "First church of Tecumseh Brother Abram G. Tisdale!" There was no doubt about it!

Through the doorway no living beings were visible nothing but a thin and tenuous vapor, radiant in the gas-flare which droned its never-ending roar. "In the name of Heaven, who what are you?" cried the engineer, at length. "A man who speaks English, here? Here?" The aged one nodded slowly, and once again groped out toward Stern.

Now it was impossible not to admire and laugh as Ron played imaginary bagpipes on the end of his walking-stick, or droned out lugubrious ballads in imitation of a strolling minstrel who had visited the inn the night before.

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