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That it will do so, however, I feel as certain as that we shall require from our dramatic critics in the future higher qualification than that they can remember Macready or have seen Benjamin Webster; we shall require of them, indeed, that they cultivate a sense of beauty. Pour etre plus difficile, la tache n'en est que plus glorieuse.

But somehow Claire de Wissant did not care for this miniature leviathan as she did for the older kind of submarine, and, with more reason for his prejudice, the officer in charge of the flotilla shared her feeling. Commander Dupré thought La Glorieuse difficult to handle under water.

There are some words that were made only to tell of Lady Mary, for her alone bellissima, divine, glorieuse! Ah, how I have watch' her! It is sad to me when I see her surround' by your yo'ng captains, your nobles, your rattles, your beaux ha, ha! and I mus' hol' far aloof. It is sad for me but oh, jus' to watch her and to wonder!

Pert, brightening up. "No, sir; not till you have saved that crippled French ship in the corner. That ship, young gentlemen, is the Glorieuse: you perceive she is cut off from her consorts, and the whole British fleet is giving chase to her. Her bowsprit is gone; her rudder is torn away; she has one hundred round shot in her hull, and two thirds of her men are dead or dying.

In the first "Chant," the first section opens: Seigneurs, faites silence; et que tout bruit cesse, Si vous voulez entendre une glorieuse chanson. Aucun jongleur ne vous en dira une meilleure. Then some vaguely prelusive lines. But the audience is clearly not quite ready yet, for the second section begins: Barons, écoutez-moi, et cessez vos querelles! Je vous dirai une très-belle chanson.

The Triton also was not a lucky boat; she had been the theatre of a terrible mishap when, for some inexplicable cause, the conning tower had failed to close. Claire was always glad to see her safe in dock. Out in the middle of the bay was La Glorieuse, a submarine of the latest type.

REFRAIN "L'Colo du 12me passe Regardez ce vaillant Quand il crie dans l'espace Joyeus'ment 'En avant! Ses hommes, la mine heureuse Gaîment suivent sa trace Sur la route glorieuse. Saluez-le, l'Colo du 12me passe. We applauded. It is curious to remember how cheerful we were, how warm and comfortable, there at the House of the Mill of Saint , with war only a step away now.

A fine thing it is to hear the stout old Frenchmen of Napoleon's time argue how that audacious Corsican WOULD have marched to London, after swallowing Nelson and all his gun-boats, but for cette malheureuse guerre d'Espagne and cette glorieuse campagne d'Autriche, which the gold of Pitt caused to be raised at the Emperor's tail, in order to call him off from the helpless country in his front.

In history they liken Achille Cazaio to Simon de Montfort, and the Gracchi, and other graspers at fruit as yet unripe; or, if the perfervid word of d'Avranches be accepted, you may regard him as "le Saint-Jean de la Revolution glorieuse." But I think you may with more wisdom regard him as a man of strong passions, any one of which, for the time being, possessed him utterly.

Voila, que c'est glorieuse, cette banniere la! H'ist it! h'ist it!" He was dancing with a rickety liveliness, his goatish legs and shriveled body giving him the look of an emaciated satyr.