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Chapter vi. 7. Si vous promenez auec vne personne seule dans la maison, & qu'il soil d'vne conditiõ qui luy fasse meriter quelque deference, dés le premier pas de la promenade, ne manquez pas de luy donner la droite: Ne cessez point de marcher, s'il ne vient

On that night there came a whisper from the cavalry leader. "They are coming! ... Quiet there!" A file of dark shadows moved forward. The dragoons swung their carbines forward. There was a volley of shots before a cry rang out. "Cessez feu! Cessez feu!" The cry had been heard before from German officers speaking excellent French, but this time there was no treachery in it.

They still piled the brushwood round the base of the tower, and gambolled hand in hand around the blaze, screaming out the doggerel lines which had long been the watchword of the Jacquerie: Cessez, cessez, gens d'armes et pietons, De piller et manger le bonhomme Qui de longtemps Jacques Bonhomme Se nomme.

But now the combat had lasted half an hour without stint or rest, until the warriors were so exhausted with the burden of their armor, the loss of blood, the shock of blows, and their own furious exertions, that they could scarce totter or raise their weapons. There must be a pause if the combat was to have any decisive end. "Cessez! Cessez!

"J'adore l'allemand," he addressed Anna again with the same smile. "Cessez," she said with playful severity. "We expected to find you in the fields, Vassily Semyonitch," she said to the doctor, a sickly-looking man; "have you been there?" "I went there, but I had taken flight," the doctor answered with gloomy jocoseness. "Then you've taken a good constitutional?" "Splendid!"

In the first "Chant," the first section opens: Seigneurs, faites silence; et que tout bruit cesse, Si vous voulez entendre une glorieuse chanson. Aucun jongleur ne vous en dira une meilleure. Then some vaguely prelusive lines. But the audience is clearly not quite ready yet, for the second section begins: Barons, écoutez-moi, et cessez vos querelles! Je vous dirai une très-belle chanson.