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It was a house in which Pugin would have torn his hair. Those massive blocks of red-veined marble lining the hall emulating in their surface-glitter the Escalier de Marbre at Versailles were cunning imitations in paint and plaster by workmen brought from afar for the purpose, at a prodigious expense, by the present viscount's father, and recently repaired and re- varnished.

Don't change, I beg of you. It is charming to meet any one like you." "I thank you for your good opinion," I replied; and, my Aunt Dorothea just then coming up, I resigned my seat to her, and dropped the conversation. In my room Lucette was standing with the cloak ready to throw over me. "Monsieur Ebate is at the escalier derobe," said she. Poor Lucette could get no nearer Hebblethwaite.

The principal entrance to the palace opens out from the Place Solferino and gives access immediately to the Cour du Cheval Blanc of Chambiges, which, since that eventful day in Napoleonic history nearly a hundred years ago, has become better known as the Cour des Adieux. At the rear rises the famous horseshoe stair, certainly much better expressed in French as the Escalier en Fer

She averted her face from Blake as they mounted the Escalier de Sainte-Marie, and her hand clung for support to the iron railing. Familiar to the point of agony was the open doorway, the dark hall of the house in the rue Müller. Side by side they entered; side by side, and in complete silence, they made the ascent of the stairs, each step of which was heavy with memories.

Just as Tyrrell was leaving the room, Warburton put his hand upon his shoulder "Stay," said he, "I am going your way, and will accompany you." I could not now remain longer. I felt a feverish restlessness, which impelled me onwards. I quitted the salon, and was on the escalier before the gamesters had descended.

In the Place d'Armes the crush of coaches was so great that the American Minister's carriage could move but slowly from that point into the Cour Royale, and 'twas with much difficulty that Mr. Jefferson and Calvert, finally alighting, forced a passage through the crowd for Madame de St. André. At the foot of the great Escalier des Ambassadeurs they found Madame de Tessé and Mr.

Laughing like a couple of children, they ran up the Escalier de Sainte-Marie, smiled upon indulgently by the careless passers-by, and entering the house, the race was continued up the polished stairs. At the door of the appartement Max came level with Blake, his face glowing with excitement, his laughter broken by quick breaths. "Oh, Ned, no! No! You must not enter! I am to go first.

The pavilion attributed to Jean Bullant, the western façade, the ancient Petit Chateau, the Grand Vestibule, the Grand Escalier and the Gallerie des Cerfs and a dozen other apartments are of a rare and imposing beauty, though losing somewhat their distinctive aspect by reason of the objets de musée distributed about their walls and floors.

The outer door opened and shut without the smallest noise, and the slender, veiled figure was quickly lost in the darkness and the traffic of the street. 'Our acts our angels are, or good or ill, Our fatal shadows that walk by us still. 'Quand vous arriverez au troisième, monsieur, montez, montez toujours! Vous trouverez un petit escalier tournant, en bois. Ça vous conduira

The grand front which faces the river presents a long series of windows formed by arches beneath a tuscan colonnade on the ground-floor; the one above is similar, except being of the ionic order, surmounted by a sort of corinthian attic; the court is surrounded by a double series of Italian arcades, there are four staircases, placed at each corner, one styled the escalier d'honneur, is absolutely splendid, both as regards the construction and the richness of its ornaments.