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The task was brief; they fell from her lightly, leaving her fair and virginal and untrammelled in body, as she was virginal and untrammelled in mind; and with a sweet gravity she clothed herself, garment by garment, in the dress of the morning. Ardent and eager yet restrained, as befitted a woman aware of her high place she left the room and passed down the Escalier de Sainte-Marie.

Mais la sommité qui suit celle-ci en tirant toujours au nord-est, et qui forme le second escalier, paroît avoir quelques feuillets tournans autour de son corps pyramidal, comme les feuillets d'un artichaux, et comme j'ai dépeint l'aiguille du Midi, tome I. pl. 6.

Blake must have reached the last step of the Escalier de Sainte-Marie, must indeed have turned the corner of the rue André de Sarte before the creaking of a footstep or the opening of a door disturbed the silence of the fifth floor; but, due time having expired due deference having been paid to taste and the proprieties the handle of M. Cartel's door was very softly turned, and Jacqueline slipped forth into the shadowed landing.

There were no loose stones to be seen; the rocky escalier had been swept clean unnumbered ages since; but the rocks were fearfully slippery, shining with a vitreous polish where the torrents of many thousand years had worn them smooth. And this was what they called the Via Mala! this unsuspected and secret underground way that led, God knew how, into the terrific depths below.

The apartments showing best the Napoleonic style in decorations and furnishings are the Salon des Huissiers, the Salle des Gardes, the Escalier d'Apollon, the Salle de Don Quichotte which contains a series of designs destined to have served for a series of tapestries intended to depict scenes in the life of the windmill knight the Galerie des Fêtes, the Galerie des Cerfs, the Salle Coypel, the Salle des Stucs and the Salon des Fleurs, through which latter one approaches the royal apartments.

At ten o'clock, punctual to the moment, Blake walked up the Escalier de Sainte-Marie. All day a curious agitation compounded of elation and impatience had lifted him as upon wings, but now that the hour had arrived, doubt amounting almost to reluctance assailed his spirit.

A dinner is a question readily dealt with in the quarter of Montmartre, and soon the four laughing, talking, arguing were hurrying down the many steps of the Escalier de Sainte-Marie, bent upon the enjoyment of the hour.

He was back again amidst the rosy snows of dawn, was in fact climbing a dizzy escalier on the topmost height of hope's Mont Blanc when she pulled the ladder from under him. "I shall, of course, never marry," she said with a certain prim decision. T. X. fell with a dull sickening thud, discovering that his rosy snows were not unlike cold, hard ice in their lack of resilience.

It was so cold and bleak I longed to get back to warm rooms, cheerful fire, and a hot cup of tea, which I was sure to find awaiting me, and I was heartily glad when we turned homeward. Six o'clock had just struck when we drove up to the front of the Grand Escalier, and I was able to get a little rest before dressing for dinner.

Devant une facade rose, Sur le marbre d'un escalier. The whole of Venice was in those two lines. He remembered the autumn that he had passed there, and a wonderful love that had stirred him to delightful fantastic follies. There was romance in every place. But Venice, like Oxford, had kept the background for romance, and background was everything, or almost everything.