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"Dey says he got dat eye knock' out tryin' ter whip a cullud 'oman, when he wuz a boy, an' dat he ain' never had no use fer niggers sence, 'cep'n' fer what he could make outen 'em wid his convic' labor contrac's. His daddy wuz a' overseer befo' 'im, an' it come nachul fer him ter be a nigger-driver.

I got ter keep my eyes open an' keep up wid w'at's happenin'. Ef dere's gwine ter be anudder flood 'roun' here, I wants ter git in de ark wid de w'ite folks, I may haf ter be anudder Ham, an' sta't de cullud race all over ag'in."

When I offered him money for the night's accommodation and the excellent oyster breakfast that his wife prepared for me, he said: "You may gib my wife whateber pleases you for her cooking, but nuffin for de food or de lodgings. I'se no nigger, ef I is a cullud man."

Dey were a-packed in de house for preachin'. He walked down de aisle 'til he got in front o' de preacher an' he turn sideways an' speak: "I want to ask you to dismiss yo' congregation. Dey is goin' to be some trouble take place right here in DeKalb an' I don't want any cullud person to git hurt." De preacher rise to his feet, ever' Nigger in de house were up, an' he dismiss 'em.

Ef you want me ter, suh, I'll keep er lookout while I's er workin' roun' de place, an' knock him in de head de minit it do come." "No, you musn't do that. Is he expectin' some help?" "He wuz er talkin' erbout some men, sah. You ain't got no cullud ladies ober at yo' house now, is you?" "No, an' I don't want any mo' for none could take the place of old mammy."

Never saw such a dark skin before except on a cullud puss'n." "I know. He might be an Arab, only he's very good Tuscan. It's Mr. Landini, Hunt and Landini." "Ah, the bankers. They do my business, but I've never seen the heads before to-night." Mrs. Hawthorne's eyes wandered, as if she said, "Whom else do I want to know about?" and Leslie made internal comment upon the fact that Mrs.

'I bus' from de cage at half pas' free o'clock dis ebenin'. 'An' is you reely a grizzly bar? 'Dat's de truf, said de triflin' mule, 'an' I's pow'ful hungry, an' if you don' go git me a feed o' corn I'll swaller you down whole. An' he begun to roar as like a grizzly bar as he knew how. 'Dat all de truf, you tellin' me? de cullud man, Harris, ask.

I 's stoppin' wid a cullud fam'ly roun' de corner yonder 'tel I kin git a place." "Do you really expect to find your husband? He may be dead long ago." She shook her head emphatically. "Oh no, he ain' dead. De signs an' de tokens tells me. I dremp three nights runnin' on'y dis las' week dat I foun' him." "He may have married another woman.

"I reckin thar was' bout two er three hun'erd acres in Marse Jim's place. Us raised cotton, taters, an' hogs. No'm, slaves didn' have no plots er dey own. Marse Jim give us our rashins' every week. Well, mos' er de cullud people 'ud cook dey victuals over de fire place in dey own houses. Us sho' did have 'possum an' taters. "My mammy wuked in de loom room at night by light of a pine knot.

I hear tell dat dey whup her so hard dat she couldn' walk no mo'. "Us never had no big fun'als or weddin's on de place. Didn' have no marryin' o' any kin'. Folks in dem days jus' sorter hitched up together an' call deyse'ves man an' wife. All de cullud folks was buried on what dey called Platnum Hill. Dey didn' have no markers nor nothin' at de graves. Dey was jus' sunk in places.