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Thorpe nodded his big head comprehendingly. "That's all the more reason why it ought to be solved," he declared, with slow emphasis. The other expressed by look and tone an augmented consciousness of the unexpected. "I did not know," he remarked cautiously, "that this was a matter in which you were specially concerned. It pleases me very much to hear it.

Vandemeyer looked so rich, and so beautifully dressed, that I felt convinced they'd take her word against mine, and think it was part of my mental trouble to think myself 'persecuted' I felt that the horrors in store for me would be too awful once they knew I'd been only shamming." Sir James nodded comprehendingly. "Mrs. Vandemeyer was a woman of great personality.

Also get me a half dozen bottles of dynamite to blow out that Italian garden. I never did like it." "Yes'm," answered Dabney, meekly but comprehendingly, for he hastily flung a napkin over the ice and gently set the decanter back in its rack. "But dynamite, it comes in sticks and not in bottles. And it would shake the roots of them old poplars clean most down to hell."

Fanny Fitz scratched the filly softly under the jawbone, and thought of the document in her pocket long, and blue, and inscribed with the too familiar notice in red ink: "An early settlement will oblige". "I must, Johnny," she said, "worse luck!" "Well, indeed, that's too bad, miss," said Johnny comprehendingly. "There was a mare I had one time, and I sold her before I went to America.

Dinner at half-past five going to theatre." Braintop bowed comprehendingly. "Now, that fellow goes off chirping," said Mr. Pole to Emilia. "It's just the thing I used to wish to happen to me, when I was his age my master to call me in and say 'There! go and be jolly. I dare say the rascal'll order a champagne supper. Poor young chap! let his heart be merry. Ha! ha! heigho!

We have no child, but we want a child now do you understand it?" that he understood. No child oh dear! No child! Then people do not know what they are living for. Now he nodded comprehendingly, and, casting a compassionate look at the lady who was so rich, so finely dressed and still had no children, he became much more approachable.

"Oh, our artillery will pound the German trenches for a week or two, and then we shall go over the parapet and drive them back for miles," said Angus simply. "And what then, sirr?" "What then? We shall go on pushing them until another Division relieves us." Bogle nodded comprehendingly. He now had firmly fixed in his mind the essential details of the projected great offensive of 1916.

Captain Boynton looked at Mrs. Weston and raised one eyebrow; she nodded comprehendingly. Later in the evening, when he dropped into a steamer-chair beside her, he asked if she had seen Bobby. "Not since dinner. All the young people have been asking for her. Did you look in the writing-room ?" "I've looked everywhere except in the coal-bunkers," said the captain, gruffly.

"Well," said the gang leader, "what do you figure you're doing here?" Nasmyth explained with some difficulty, for in the Bush, men acquire a certain pride in their physical manhood, and it is never a pleasant thing to own oneself defeated. The logger, however, nodded comprehendingly.

"I need you more than any one but it kills me to see you." "Same here, Blair," replied Lane, comprehendingly. "Gosh! we oughtn't be so finicky about each other's looks," exclaimed Blair, with a smile. But neither Lane nor Blair made further reference to the subject. Each from the other assimilated some force, from voice and look and presence, something wanting in their contact with others.