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Updated: November 24, 2024
Heigho! he had almost been asleep. He rose and spread his tarpaulin upon the ground. As he did so a dry twig cracked nearby, a dog growled, and presently a small phantom emerged from the shadows. It was Hermia, with a finger laid upon her lips in token of silence. "Couldn't you sleep?" he whispered. "No. It was a pity to crowd them, so when Stella got to sleep I came away."
I'd sooner not go on than beg a `permit' of the captain." "I wonder what he'll say to us to-morrow," said Telson. "He won't lick us, eh?" "He'd better not," said Parson. "You and I could lick him easy." "I suppose he'll give us a howling impot. I say I'm getting fagged of impots. I've had four this week." "I've had three," sighed Telson. "Heigho! Willoughby's going to the dogs.
Turma circumdet. Iubilantium te virginum. Chorus excipiat. By Bloom: Heigho, heigho, Heigho, heigho. Where were the several members of the company which with Bloom that day at the bidding of that peal had travelled from Sandymount in the south to Glasnevin in the north? Alone, what did Bloom hear?
"How the dear old fellow loves to see the image of his glass upon the table, and the ruby of his port reflected! Heigho! I am getting very stiff in the back, and never a decent bit of dinner for'ard. And as for a glass of good wine oh Lord! my timbers will be broken up, before it comes to mend them. And when I come home for even half an hour, there is all this small rubbish to attend to.
I am right still. The doctrine of life is a doctrine of chances; and there is nothing certain but death death, the gloomy and terrible uncreator heigho!"
She would take love and kisses as full value received unless she was a girl like Caroline, an unwomanly, mercenary, practical, matter-of-money creature." "Do not talk in that way of Caroline." "I am talking of her money, and it is no impeachment of its value to say that it is mortal like herself. Still, I am ready to acknowledge "'How pleasant it is to have money, heigho!
In the late fall I left for Chicago on a mission that had no flavour of the North Pole about it. We were married in Grace Episcopal Church, Chicago, on November 18, 1909. Our wedding was followed by a visit to the Hot Springs of Virginia; and then "heigho," and a flight for the North. We sailed from St. John's, Newfoundland, in January.
'We shall shake down into uniformity before long, I've no doubt, said he to himself, as he rode away. 'It's hardly to be expected that our thoughts should run in the same groove all at once. Nor should I like it, he added. 'It would be very flat and stagnant to have only an echo of one's own opinions from one's wife. Heigho!
He carried his big head bent forward, a little to one aide, and was not, at first sight, a prepossessing-looking person. As our story largely concerns him and we must get started somehow, it may as well be to fix a little attention on him. "Heigho!" said Jock, rubbing his hands on his leather apron. "H-how be you, Jock?" said Jethro, stopping.
Juvat insanire this their way is their folly, as auld Benjamin o' Tudela saith of the heathen. Heigho! 'Forty years lang was he grevit wi' this generation, an' swore in his wrath that they suldna enter into his rest. Pulse? tongue? ay, shak your lugs, an' tak your fee, an' dinna keep auld folk out o' their graves. Can ye sing?" The doctor meekly confessed his inability.
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