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John would never write the particular kind of stuff he does for the love of writing it; he'll only do it because it's the stunt of the moment. That's why he'll never be more than cleverish and mediocre, never the real thing. In his calm, unexcited way, he worships success, and he'll get it, like old Pinkerton.

Wellesley is a very handsome man. Now, my cousin was about as plain and insignificant a chap to look at as ever I came across poor fellow!" "Your cousin was a damned clever chap!" said Tansley incisively. "He'd got brains, my dear sir, and where women cleverish women, anyhow are concerned, brains are going to win all the way and come in winners by as many lengths as you please! Mrs.

The last voyage I made I had a passenger on board who was a cleverish sort of gentleman, too, and for talking politics he'd go on for an hour; yet he wanted to know why I couldn't bring the ship to an anchor right out in the Bay of Biscay; and one night, when it was blowing a stiffish gale, with a heavy sea running, he roused me out of my sleep to ask me to send a better hand to the helm; one who knew how to keep the craft steady, or else to run into some harbour till the morning.

I have heard somewhere that he talks of going to Paris, you can just hint to him that he must give up such idle habits. Public functionaries are not now what they were, people are expected to work for the money they pocket; otherwise Legard is a cleverish fellow, and deserves promotion. A word or two of caution from you will do him a vast deal of good." "Be sure I will lecture him.

I have heard somewhere that he talks of going to Paris, you can just hint to him that he must give up such idle habits. Public functionaries are not now what they were, people are expected to work for the money they pocket; otherwise Legard is a cleverish fellow, and deserves promotion. A word or two of caution from you will do him a vast deal of good." "Be sure I will lecture him.

Into its grey nursery there rushes every day, or every other day, a breathless, preoccupied, excessively dressed, cleverish, many-sided, fundamentally silly, and universally incapable woman, vociferates a little conventional affection, slaps a kiss or so upon her offspring, and goes off again to collect that daily meed of admiration and cheap envy which is the gusto of her world.

When I was released, I would not go to see them, for my clothes were ragged: the police still watched me, and I would not do them harm in the world! Ay, poor wretches! they struggled so hard: he could got very little by his art, though, I believe, he was a cleverish fellow at it, and the money I had given them could not last for ever.

They must be cleverish people, I fancy, or the spirits wouldn't come to them." "But you never hear of any swell being a medium. Why don't the spirits go to a prime minster or some of those fellows? Only think what a help they'd be." "If they come from the devil," suggested Doodles, "he wouldn't let them do any real good."

They all sat in the front garden after lunch and looked out over the wonderful shining sea. Grandmama sat in her wheeled chair, Tchekov's Letters on her knees. She had made Mrs. Hilary get this book from Mudie's because she had read favourable reviews of it by Gilbert and Nan. Grandmama was a cleverish old lady, cleverer than her daughter. "Jolly, isn't it," said Gilbert, seeing the book.

He was dull, pedantic, and rather embarrassed after this great effort of Mr. Gladstone, and the House emptied. There was a certain stir of curiosity as the name of "Mr. Disraeli" was called by the Speaker; and then the bearer of one of the greatest names of our times, stood up. His speech was brightish, cleverish, and yet there was something wanting. Mr.