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Scougall's freshly upholstered chairs had all been wrapped in holland coverings pending his return. "Mr. Trapp, Harry, is a a chimney-sweep." "Oh!" said I, somewhat ruefully. "But I had rather be a soldier, Miss Plinlimmon!" She still kept her smile, but I could read in it that my pleading was useless; that the decision really lay beyond her. "Boys will be boys, Mr. Trapp."

"I'm looking for a lost child, a chimney-sweep, that is run away." "Oh, Harthover, Harthover," says she, "ye were always a just man and a merciful; and ye'll no harm the poor lad if I give you tidings of him?" "Not I, not I, dame. I'm afraid we hunted him out of the house all on a miserable mistake, and the hound has brought him to the top of Lewthwaite Crag, and "

"He can be riveted," said the chimney-sweep.... The family had the Chinaman's back mended and a strong rivet put through his neck; he looked as good as new, but when "Major-General-field-sergeant-commander-Billy-goat's-legs" again asked for the shepherdess to be his wife, the old Chinaman could no longer nod his head.

But he felt his way instead, following the flow of the stream, day after day, past great bridges, past boats and barges, past the great town, with its wharfs, and mills, and tall smoking chimneys, and ships which rode at anchor in the stream; and now and then he ran against their hawsers, and wondered what they were, and peeped out, and saw the sailors lounging on board smoking their pipes; and ducked under again, for he was terribly afraid of being caught by man and turned into a chimney-sweep once more.

Shaw's wine was rightly stored, she felt that she was only paying her debts, and told Tom she liked it, when he picked her up looking as grimy as a chimney-sweep. "You can turn your hand to anything, you clever girl, so do come and give me some advice, for I am in the depths of despair," said Fanny when the "maid-of-all-work" as Polly called herself, found a leisure hour. "What is it?

As he sat on the uncomfortable sofa and heard the jangling bells of the ragman die away into the distance, and the loud, long, mournful whoop of the chimney-sweep, his fancy was busy with the figures of a thousand things that might be of a certain nameless somebody, mistress of that poor, sombre house, but so lighting it up with grace and gay sweetness that the hard sofa became the most luxurious lounge, and the cheap table more gorgeous than ormolu; and of a certain other nameless somebody coming home at evening an opening door a rustle in the hall as of women's robes a singular sound as of meeting lips then a coming together arm in arm into the dingy furnished little parlor, but with such a bright fire blazing under the wooden mantle and then and then a pattering of little feet down the stairs Hem! hem! said Gabriel Bennet, clearing his throat, as if to arouse himself by making a noise.

All the children started at Tom's dirty black figure, the girls began to cry, and the boys began to laugh, and all pointed at him rudely enough; but Tom was too tired to care for that. "What art thou, and what dost want?" cried the old dame. "A chimney-sweep! Away with thee! I'll have no sweeps here." "Water," said poor little Tom, quite faint. "Water?

He does not sleep all night. At ten o'clock the doctor comes. "Well, how are we feeling?" he asks as he takes her pulse. "Have you slept?" "Badly," Lizotchka's husband answers for her, "very badly." The doctor walks away to the window and stares at a passing chimney-sweep. "Doctor, may I have coffee to-day?" asks Lizotchka. "You may." "And may I get up?"

For he had wished later to marry her to a master chimney-sweep, and although the latter was a millionaire she would have none of him. In reality she was the child of a miserably poor cobbler; and after a stormy youth she had brought her somewhat damaged little ship of life to anchor in the small garrison town at the bar of Grundmann's alehouse.

To which the warder, a man as dark as a chimney-sweep, with large blue "whites" to his eyes, added stutteringly: "To no one here has permission been given to feel, or not to feel, like doing things. You hear that?" So to exercise I went.