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If you're fixed that way, why, you'll hit the trail of the long haired crank, or join the folk who make a pastime of a penitentiary. The dollars for mine. If they come on a cushion of down I'll handle 'em elegant with kid gloves on my hands. I'm sick chasin' sick to death." Kars became caught in the interest of the talk.

And of course you're coming back! Dr. Temple says you have every chance in your favor if it's done right away. He thinks you are in splendid condition. Now don't you worry a single minute!" "I'll try not to! I wish I were as brave as you. I'd never have dared to go with her chasin' me! My! I wish I could have seen you two leggin' it!" Miss Sterling laughed. "That is what Polly wished.

"'Pears like there's goin' t' be a tumultuous demonstration of sub-maxiliary contortions in th' empherial regions contiguous t' th' upper atmosphere!" exclaimed Washington, entering from the engine room into the conning tower. "What's the trouble?" asked Mr. Henderson. "Terrible big black cloud chasin' us from behind!" exclaimed the colored man.

"Of course it scattered the balls about six yards apart the only time I tried it with a lot of 'em, but that was at fifty yards off, an' they tell me that you a'most ram the muzzle against the brutes' sides when chasin' buffalo. So there's no room to scatter, d'ee see, till they get inside their bodies, and when there it don't matter how much they scatter."

Rebecca exclaimed again. Rigid with excitement and dread, they stood there listening. At length Droop pulled himself free of Rebecca's hold. "That's some o' them palace folks chasin' after me!" he cried, in a panic. "Fiddle-dee-dee!" Rebecca exclaimed, with energy. "How should they know where you are?" By this time the sounds were more distinct, and they could easily make out cries of: "Traitor!

"These fellars, sir," said Beale, having expressed his gratification, "they've bin and scattered most of them birds already, sir. They've bin chasin' of them this half-hour back." Ukridge groaned. "Scoundrels! Demons!" Beale went off.

"Oh, good gracious! Did you say 'Josh? Oh, dear, that explains it; I thought you said 'George. My friend's name is George Hall. He is an entomologist at the New York Museum of Natural History. "Say," broke in Raish, again, "is he a tall, bald-headed man with whiskers; red whiskers?" "Yes yes, he is." "Humph! Goes gallopin' round the fields chasin' bugs and grasshoppers like a young one?"

Swiftly he strode across that familiar court, shoulders squared, chin outthrust, and eyes that glowed ominously in his pale face beneath fierce-scowling brows. As he turned into Tenth Avenue there met him the Spider. "What you chasin' this time, bo?" he enquired. "M'Ginnis." "Then you're sure chasin' trouble." "That's what I want. D' you know where he is?" "Sure I do, but "

It all come of their makin' me special messenger to the boss; for since old Mr. Ellins has been laid up with toothache in his knee joints they've been chasin' me up to the Fift'-ave. ranch, with mail, and blank bonds to be signed, and such truck. And that's how I came to get so thick with Marjorie.

I stopped behind his chair, but he thought I had passed, and in reply to one of the players answered: "Known him for years; he's set me right many a time. When I broke my right femur 'chasin, he got me back in the saddle in six weeks. All my people swear by him." One of the players smiled up at me, and Talbot turned. But his eyes met mine with perfect serenity.