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They sorter got into th' habit of chasin' me to Las Cruces an' forgot to stop." "How many'd yu get?" Asked Lanky Smith. "Twelve. Two got away. I got two before th' crowd showed up that makes fo'teen." "Now th' cavalry'll be huntin' yu," croaked Billy. "Hunt nothin'! They was in war-paint-think I was a target? Think I was goin' to call off their shots for 'em?"

'Tain't no use in chasin' the devil around the stump If I can get that girl I'm a-goin' to get her! If I do I'll wire in some creek an' turn nester or do any other damned thing that's likewise mean an' debasin' that she wants me to except run sheep. But if the pilgrim's got the edge, accordin' to Bat's surmise, he's got it fair an' square. The cards is on the table.

There wasna' a care heavier than dandelion down. 'Twas sleep like a deep drink, an' up an' away in the mornin', chasin' a young man's hopes to the end o' the Trail! A suppose th' Almighty meant t' anchor men, or He wouldna' permit the buildin' of toons! Once A was in New York! A did na' see but one patch o' sunlight twenty stories overhead!

I suppose he was running away from you, poor thing! Trying to escape from you, wasn't he?" "He wasn't," Sam said doggedly. "We weren't chasin' him or anything at all." "Then why did he go in the cellar?" "Well, he didn't exactly GO in the cellar," Sam said reluctantly. "Well, how did he GET in the cellar, then?" "He he fell in," said Sam. "HOW did he fall in?"

"I I assure you I no one around here has been married yet," replied Helen, with a blush. "Thet shore is fine. Was some worried," he said, lazily. "I've been chasin' wild hosses over in New Mexico, an' I got after this heah blue roan. He kept me chasin' him fer a spell. I've fetched him back for Bo." Helen looked at the mustang Roy was holding, to be instantly delighted.

"She rides long, Miss Boy do old style, cavalry style, same as you yourself, sir. They've all got the monkey-up-a-stick seat." "Don't you believe in it?" asked the young man. The other shook his head. He was himself a beautiful horseman of the Tom Cannon school; too beautiful, his critics sometimes said, to be entirely effective. "Not for 'chasin," he said.

Had us chasin' for a whole silly week, all for " He broke off abruptly, choking with rage. For awhile, in silence, the party gazed at the pitiful, hideous monstrosity that had once been a man. Then the ever-practical Redmond proceeded, with the aid of a large pebble, to burst, strand by strand, the wire which bound the stone to the body. "That stone, too!" said the doctor darkly.

"Say," he went on shrewdly, "I'm no sucker, I'm not one of these slobs chasin' gold they're eager to hand on to the first guy holdin' out his hand. I'm out to make a pile. I had a claim in the ballot. Maybe it's a good claim. I ain't troubled to see. Why? I'll tell you. Maybe I'd have taken a few thousand dollars out of it. Maybe a heap. Maybe only a little. Not good with all these slobs around."

"But for that matter, as the parson says, there's a time to stay at anchor, and a time to make sail, and go along as if the devil was a driver only I do wish that that ere beggar astern was right ahead now, and that we was a chasin' her, and every now and then a slappin' at her with our bow-chasers."

"Well, I do think it's just splendid!" gurgled the Countess. "It's every bit as good 's the one Mary got with a year's subscription t' the Household Treasure fer fifty cents. That one's got some hounds chasin' a deer and a man hidin' in 'the bushes, sost yuh kin jest see his head. It's an awful purty pitcher, but this one's jest as good. I do b'lieve it's a little bit better, if anything.