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He also had escaped from Chillicothe; but he had been twelve days on the way, and was almost famished. "There was rare racin' and chasin' up yonder when they found you'd cleared out, Daniel," he reported. "It over-set their plans, I can tell you! So they put off their march for three weeks."

So th' next ye hear th' sojers ar-re chasin' th' coorts out iv th' state, th' legislature is meetin' in Duluth, Pinsacola, an' Bangor, Maine, an' a comity iv citizens consistin' iv some iv the best gun fighters iv th' state ar-re meetin' to decide how th' conthroversay can be decided without loss iv blood or jobs.

Of course they may feel dreadful sweaty after chasin' round in the sun all day, though I wouldn't hold such sudden coolin' wholesome; but why if women so doin' should they insist on men folks wearin' collars, say I?"

Wasson expressed the situation exactly, as the four halted a moment at an unexpectedly-discovered water-hole. "I 'd think this yere plain trail was some Injun trick, boys, if I did n't know the reason fur it. 'T ain't Injun nature, but thar 's a white man ahead o' that outfit, an' he 's cock-sure that nobody 's chasin' him yet.

But four nights ago come last night yes, that's right, it were four nights ago 'bout three bells in the middle watch, while it were blowin' hard from the west'ard and we were runnin' under single-reefed topsails, with a very heavy sea chasin' of us, the night bein' dark and thick with rain, somebody comes rushin' out of the poop cabin yellin' like mad, and, afore anybody could stop him, sprang on to the lee rail, just the fore side of the main riggin', and takes a header overboard!"

His face was pitted with coal-dust and grime, pallid for lack of sleep; but his eyes shone like a gull's. "I told you you'd see life. Think o' the Pedantic now. Think o' her Number One chasin' the mobilised gobbies round the lower deck flats.

At daylight this mornin' the rustlers rode down. They began to shoot at me on sight. They chased me hard an' far, burnin' powder all the time, but I got away." "Jud, they meant to kill you," declared Venters. "Now I wonder," returned Judkins. "They wanted me bad. An' it ain't regular for rustlers to waste time chasin' one rider." "Thank heaven you got away," said Jane.

Hae ye killt yer moose yet? Ye've been chasin' him these mony years." "Not much murdering," replied Hemenway. "I had a queer trip this time away up the Nepissiguit, with old McDonald. You know him, don't you?" "Fine do I ken Rob McDonald, an' a guid mon he is. Hoo was it that ye couldna slaughter stacks o' moose wi' him to help ye? Did ye see nane at all?"

In settling the estate the heirs had gone to law, and the rightful possession of the sheet of water with the mountains around it was still in dispute. "One thing is sartin," said the old hunter. "If ye go up thar, ye won't have no Andrew Felps chasin' ye away -as was the case up to Lake Cameron." "No, but we may have the ghost chasing us," answered Giant.

"I gave you my word not to talk unless you went back on me, and I've kept it. You hain't told anybody else?" "Not a soul." "Still, it's been told not once, but a heap o' times. Have you tried chasin' it back to its startin' point?" "Yes; but it is no good. It seems to be in the air." "Well, it's a dum shame. It looks as if you had somebody houndin' you out o' sheer spite.