Vietnam or Thailand ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !
Updated: November 11, 2024
We're all alike enow at bottom. It's just that there's more room, more time, more o' maist o' the good things that make life hamely and comfortable, i' the country than i' the city. Air, and sunshine, and space to run and lepp and play for the children. Broad fields not hot, paved streets, full o' rushin' motor cars wi' death under their wheels for the wee bairns.
I reckon ther present plan must be ter try rushin' ther 'Little Yankee." He wheeled about, driving the extended tubes of his glass together, his gray beard forking out in front of his lean, brown face like so many bristles. "Oh, is thet you come back, Stutter? Thought I heerd somebody walkin' behind me.
Berry was constrained despondently to acknowledge that was logic. She hit upon an artful conjecture: "Won't it be unlucky your wearin' of the ring which served me so? Think o' that!" "It may! it may! it may!" cried Lucy. "And arn't you rushin' into it, my dear?" "Mrs. Berry," Lucy said again, "it was this ring. It cannot it never can be another. It was this. What it brings me I must bear.
"'Culture, 'Intellect, 'Refinement. These calves would march right along by the side of 'Pride, 'Vanity, 'Old Creeds, 'Bigotry, 'Selfishness. The last-named would be too numerous to count with the naked eye, and go pushin' aginst each other, rushin' right through meetin'-housen, tearin' and actin'. Why," says I, "the ground trembles under the tread of them calves.
Wall, comin' as he did from a place where he wuz called to worship by the voice of his soul and his good silver watch this volume of clamor, this rushin' Niagara of sound a-pourin' down into his ears, wuz perfectly intolerable and onbeerable. He would lay awake till mornin' dreadin' the sound, and then colapse under it, till it run along and he come down with nervous fever.
Then I went over an' sat down by Hank Midders. "Did you get your fence-rider yet?" sez I. "No, I ain't got him yet, but I got two days to look for him in," he sez. Just then who should come in but the same old Diamond Dot hand who had beat me out of the pony. "Well, sign my name! If there ain't Happy Hawkins!" sez he, rushin' over an' shakin' my hand, "Still in business, Happy?" sez he.
To think of a boy doin' what he did and not rushin' home all excited, and blattin' out his yarn. But, then, I always knew there was extra stuff in that lad. I have had my eyes on him ever since the mornin' I gave him a cow, ho, ho!" and the captain leaned back and laughed heartily as the recollection of the "cow incident" came back to him.
I don't frale him; I saveys it's because he feels hoomiliated with me not callin' him by name. "As a roole me an' Jerry gets through our dooties harmonious. He can pull like a lion an' never flinches or flickers at a pinch. It's shore a vict'ry to witness the heroic way Jerry goes into the collar at a hard steep hill or some swirlin', rushin' ford.
You see, after I've sent him back to Miss Hampton loaded up with all them wise hints about rushin' her off her feet, and added that hunch as to rememberin' that he has a pair of arms well, I leave it to you. Ain't that all reg'lar? Don't they pass it out that way in plays and magazines? Sure! It's the hero with the quick-action strong-arm stuff that wins out in the big scene.
Then you may try to describe Niagara; no pen, no tongue can describe this ever rushin', ever old and ever new Wonder of the new world. And no more can any pen describe the World's Fair, the tall, towerin' fruit of the four-century tree of civilization, and liberty, and equal rights. You can talk about the buildin's how they are made, how long and wide they are.
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