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"Yes; with a husband at home in bed, I'd be a fine one chasin' around this town alone, wouldn't I? That's the thanks a woman gets for bein' self-respectin'." "I always kept hopin', Hanna, I could get you to take more to the home." "The home you mean the tomb!" "Why, with the right attention, we got as fine an old place here as there is in this part of town, Hanna.

I don't want him." "Wal, I'll put him to chasin' varmints with the hounds. An' say, son, this outfit is bad. You savvy it's bad. You can't run that bunch. The only way you can handle them is to get up early an' come back late. Sayin' little, but sawin' wood. Hard work." Jack Belllounds did not evince any sign of assimilating the seriousness of his father's words. "I'll show them," he said.

I'd only to go chasin' you, an' in the end you'd give in. You're pretty; you got a shine on you that fools a man. But you're a quitter a quitter! See? An' now you can come away from that wall an' I'll see you back on the street." He was very lofty and erect in the meager light, rather a superb figure, if the girl had had eyes for it. But she, to all seeming, was dazed.

But they do say he's gittin' everybody's good opinion. They looked for a regular ruffian when he come home cuttin' nets, killin' cats, chasin' hens, gittin' drunk. They say Eliphalet Wood didn't hardly dare to go ou' doors for a month, 'thout havin' his hired man along. But he's turned out as peaceful as a little gal."

"We won't stan' much show, chasin' a dozen or twenty Comanches, and they ez likely ez not, forty miles ahead of us. Still, we've got ter git them boys somehow; and the fust thing towards it is ter go ter camp and git some grub, 'cause a man can't fite wuth a cent on a empty stomach." There was truth in Jerry's observation.

"For one," said Bandy-legs, "I'm real glad it wasn't a snake, because they always give me the creeps, you remember, I hate 'em so. Just think what a fine pickle we'd be in now if a monster anaconda or a big boa constrictor or python, broke loose from a show, should climb up on our bridge boat, and start to chasin' us all overboard.

I ain't got brain enough to hand that sort of thing around, but I'd sure ask you to say right here ther' ain't no cuss on your life, an' never was. You jest guess there's a cuss around chasin' glory at your expense. Wal, git right up, an' grit your teeth an' fight good. Don't sit around feeling mean.

We're just one mind an' one body, an'," he added thoughtfully, "I don't guess I'll need a detective bureau to locate him. If he was chasin' around the other end of the world I'd find him sure. You see, he's the other half of me." Bud nodded in sympathy, but made no verbal reply. "See, Bud," Jeff went on, a moment later. "The spring round-up's through. We're going to fix this deed right away.

"I wish to God someone had choked the blank nonsense out of me, for I done him a wrong an' I wasn't man enough to own up. An' that's what started me in all this hell business I've been chasin' ever since." The doctor took him by the arm and walked him out of the room. "Take Miss Robertson home," he said to Tommy as he passed.

"Why, Bud, Dick never wrote all that dime-novel nonsense about the man who stood by him to well, not the very last, for Dick has managed somehow to pull through probably he was saved by the Rurales that were chasin' the band that rounded us up.