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'Indeed, dear Madam, said Mordaunt or as we may now call him, Lord Dunoran coming to the rescue, ''twas all my doing; on me alone rests all the blame. Selfish it hardly was. I could not risk the loss of my beloved; and until my fortunes had improved, to declare our situation would have been too surely to lose her. Henceforward I have done with mystery.

Eliza's eyes wandered round the room. "P'r'aps " she said, then stopped, and could say no more. She seemed to become unconscious, and John went to call for Louisa. In the middle of the night John woke with a start, and sat up to listen. Not a sound but they would have called him if the end had come.

He emphasized the fact that all personal interviews would be arranged later in New York City. "We don't want anyone tracking down here," he confided to Avery. "That would call the bluff. But we can get some letters that maybe will perk us up a little." The letters came in bundles letters long, short, earnest and witty whiffs from the good old world of the dressing tent.

"Oh, how did you make them do it? Will you show us? Will any horse come if you know how to call him? Can they all do that? Didn't it take you forever and ever to teach them? Aren't they beauties! What are they trying to do now?" were the questions rattling like hail about Peggy's and Polly's ears.

If it be a part of that inconsistent mixture of purely personal motives and more than legitimate executive action which Mr. Johnson is pleased to call his "policy," if it be a part of that to treat the South with all the leniency that is short of folly and all the conciliation that is short of meanness, then we were advocates of it before Mr. Johnson.

"Which may result," said the doctor, "in his becoming a mere farm laborer and putting an end to his sister's education." "Nonsense!" exclaimed the old lady. "Young fellows college men go out on ranches in the West and do that sort of thing, and it lowers them in nobody's estimation. Let young Haverley call his farm a ranch and rough it. It would be the same thing. I've backed him up strongly.

She held out her hand as she spoke. "I cannot shake hands," he said, "I am at work, you see." She answered by a little conventional laugh which might mean anything. Both of them hesitated a moment, their real feeling being too deep for it to be easy quickly to call to mind conventionalities of talk.

"Anybody's at a terrible disadvantage that's afraid of the truth. Now, it doesn't worry me a mite to have Annabel call me an old maid, but if I tell her she's thirty-eight she feels worse than if I'd stuck a knife into her. Annabel makes me think of those squirming things that live under stones. All you have to do to bring 'em to terms is to turn the stone over and let the light in on 'em.

"Not knowin', can't tell," retorted the landlady, "'e used to be 'ere reg'lar, but I ain't seen 'im for over a week." "Strange! very!" said Gorby, shaking his head. "I should like to see this Mr. Moreland. I suppose it's probable he'll call again?" "'Abit bein' second nature I s'pose he will," answered the woman, "'e might call at any time, mostly 'avin' called at night."

The mellow call arose again, very clear and distinct in the silent air, and as they approached the edge of the hickory grove, Jim pointed upward. "See him thar on the limb," he said, "the big feller with the feathers all shinin' an' glistenin'? That's the gobbler, an' the littler ones with the gray feathers are the hens. I'm goin' to take the gobbler.