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"What, are you the gal's father?" said Joshua, with a sudden touch of feeling. "I am, sir. Pray withhold nothing from me you know." "Why, cunule," said the Yankee, soothingly; "don't I tell you it's a buster? However, the lie is none o' mine, it's that old cuss Skinflint set it afloat; he is always pisoning these peaceful waters."

Shortly she was able to stand alone and to ask Doug where he had come from. "My camp is up the mountain a ways. Why didn't you have a fire?" "Lost my pack when I lost Buster. Lost my match-safe when I fell with the little wild mare this afternoon." "I'm going to take you back up to my camp, Judith." "I don't think I can make it, Doug. It would have to be a foot climb." "You must make it.

"Goodness!" said Buster Bumblebee. "He looks like a bridegroom!" But his companions all told him to hush, and not to be disrespectful to his elders. "Good morning!" said Mr. Chippy to Daddy Longlegs. "We've come to tell you some good news. We're going to call you by a different name. And we hope you'll like it." "I hope so!" Daddy Longlegs echoed. "What is it, please?"

Bring out that mouth organ, Necktie!" "What odd names!" remarked Alice to Pete Batso, who constituted himself a sort of guide to Ruth and her sister. "They call Dick Jones 'Buster' because he's a good bronco trainer, or buster," the foreman said. "And Necktie Harry got his handle because he's so fussy about his ties.

"Nothing, nothing at all," replied Grandfather Frog mildly. "I was just hoping that he would come near enough for me to snap him up; then he would belong to me. As long as he doesn't, he doesn't belong to any one. I suppose that if Buster Bear should happen along and catch him, he would be stealing from me, according to Little Joe." "Of course not! What a silly idea!

He will need the closest care and watching. He couldn't stay up here, and have a single chance of recovery. Let's see, there are five men of us, counting the dwarf. We'll have to walk with the stretcher, and he shall lead the horses, all but Buster, whom Jessica can ride. One at a time he'll 'spell' us, and the one released will take his place at the beasts," was the doctor's decision.

"The poor kiddie didn't understand, Hezekiah," smiled Mother Graymouse. "Hold up your paw and count the fingers. How many are there, Buster?" "One, two, three, four, five," counted Buster. "Yes, and the leaves on Ruth Giant's vine have five fingers. These wild leaves have only three fingers and you must never touch them. You see these berries are waxy white and the berries on Mr.

But a flip of the wind made him Buster Jack again.... Collie would sacrifice her life for duty to you whom she loves as her father. Wils Moore sacrificed his honor for Collie rather than let you learn the truth.... But they call me Hell-Bent Wade, an' I will tell you!" The straining hulk of Belllounds crouched lower, as if to gather impetus for a leap.

"I should like to see the dog," remarked Kennedy simply. "Miss Sears," asked her mistress, "will you get Buster, please?" The nurse left the room. No longer was there the laughing look on her face. This was serious business. A few minutes later she reappeared, carrying gingerly a small dog basket. Mrs. Blake lifted the lid.

Buster loved the moonlight evenings when Uncle Squeaky's band, looking very fine in the gay uniforms, marched along the Lake shore and played the music which he had written. He was also delighted when they gathered in the fire-glow around Uncle Squeaky's fireplace and nibbled roasted corn, baked potatoes, toasted cheese, and other goodies. He could not decide which was nicer.