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"Most of the first an' some of the last have struck the Tonto. The sheepmen have now got distributin' points for wool an' sheep at Maricopa an' Phoenix. They're shore waxin' strong an' bold." "Ahuh! ... An' what's likely to come of this mess?" queried Jean. "Ask your dad," replied Blaisdell. "I will. But I reckon I'd be obliged for your opinion."

He had said good-bye and swung off toward the dense growth of forest that rose behind the straggling hamlet, and nothing further had been seen or heard of him. Further inquiry at the camp, which Mr. Blaisdell had experienced considerable difficulty in reaching, had developed the alarming news that no such person as Tom Gray had been seen in that vicinity.

We had been playing about three-quarters of an hour when a gust of wind blew the door open, throwing the faint gleam of the candle out in front. I jumped to close the door, the light blowing out as I did so, and at the same instant I heard a report from the same direction as before. I closed the door, telling Blaisdell to light the candle.

Mellicent, too, with shy eyes averted, told him she should never forget what he had done for her and for Donald. James and Flora and Frank and even Jane! said that they would like to have one of the Blaisdell books, when they were published, to hand down in the family. Flora took out her purse and said that she would pay for hers now; but Mr.

Perhaps you, now " He turned his eyes full upon Miss Flora Blaisdell, and waited. The little dressmaker blushed painfully. "Me? Oh, mercy, no! Why, I live all alone that is, I mean, I couldn't, you know," she stammered confusedly. "I dressmake, and I don't get any sort of meals not fit for a man, I mean. Just women's things tea, toast, and riz biscuit. I'm so fond of riz biscuit!

Blaisdell, very deliberately, "it is unnecessary to say that in a position of this kind, we require the utmost secrecy on your part regarding the affairs of the company. In giving you this very responsible position, we repose great confidence in you, and we expect you to prove yourself worthy of it." "Oh well," chuckled Mr. Wilson, "I should say, judging by Mr.

"Much as we'd like to see Pete permanently out of this camp, remember that we don't want you to give the fellow any excuse for turning you into a lead mine." "If Peter tries anything like that with me," retorted Tom solemnly, "I shall be deeply offended." "Very good. Take the young men along with you, Blaisdell. I'll hear your report on them tomorrow night."

And I'm glad. Frank has been a turrible hard worker all his life. I'm glad he's going to take some comfort, same as I am." When Miss Flora had gone, Miss Maggie turned to Mr. Smith with eyes that still carried dazed unbelief. "DID Flora say that Frank Blaisdell had sold his grocery stores?" "She certainly did! You seem surprised." "I'm more than surprised. I'm dumfounded." "Why?

I told him I had sent for you an' when you got heah these slippery, mysterious thieves, whoever they were, would shore have hell to pay. Greaves said he hoped so, but he was afraid I was partial to my Indian son. Then we had hot words. Blaisdell got between us. When I was leavin' I took a partin' fling at him. 'Greaves, you ought to know the Isbels, considerin' you're from Texas.

"Yes, I believe you," he said, after a pause, "I believe you're more of a friend to me than anybody else. Blaisdell would kick me out quicker'n it takes to say so, if he knew just how I stand to-night. Even Haight's got the big-head and puts on his airs since he's seen I'm down; you're the only one that's showed me any kindness."